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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Despoiler Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Biographical information






House of Dusk
House of Salvation
Talons of the Watcher






Heavy Melee Unit
Assassin Unit Leaders


The Ecliptic Spire

Combat information


Stasis Despoiler Spear
Arc Web Mine


Stasis Despoiler Charge
Despoiler Shield
Omnistatic Pulse
Rapid Movement
High Durability


Despoilers are a formidable and far more aggressive variant of the Wretch.


Despoilers were first encountered in Expedition in the form of Kranhiks, the Soulslayer a Prime Nemesis that can be encountered throughout the activity and can be killed for powerful rewards. In subsequent Episodes and Updates, weaker variants of the Soulslayer can be encountered as mini-boss command units. Their design is similar to Kranhiks, with the only changes being less skull and Guardian trophies and spikes.

Unlike a standard Wretch, these units stand taller than even Captains, and thus bear a far more formidable spear weapon, tipped with what appears to be a honed Pyramid fragment; additionally, these units retain their pair of arms, signifying their status in Fallen society.


Despite their incredible size, Despoilers are extraordinarily maneuverable, capable of even catching up to a sprinting Guardian. They will attempt to close in on their Guardian adversaries in an effort to cleave or stab them with their Spear, dealing devastating damage and knocking their targets back. The Despoilers are also capable of lunging at their targets to bring down their spear into the ground, creating a far more massive area of effect, even outright killing targets on harder difficulties. With a series of guttural howls and a flourish of the weapon, the Despoiler can attempt to charge their targets in an effort to impale them with their spear, which can kill low-resilience players instantly.

While a good enough distance away, Despoilers may throw a Web Mine in the direction of their adversaries in the hopes of catching them in the debilitating field of the device to make them easy pickings. Sometimes, when expecting fierce opposition, the Despoiler will one-hand hold their spear to their side and activate a barrier shield to protect them from any possible threat; the shield barrier deactivates after a short time. Notoriously, however, Despoilers are capable of channeling energy from the Splinter at the tip of their spear in order to create a pulse that suppresses anyone caught in the blast's area-of-effect.

Known DespoilersEdit

List of appearancesEdit