Destiny 2
D2 Centurion Render 1.jpg




Red Legion
Imperial Cabal
Shadow Legion


Field Commander




800 lbs.

Combat information


Void Cabal Bronto Cannon (common)
Solar Projection Rifle (uncommon)
Solar Slug Rifle (rare)
Arc Cabal Slug Shotgun (rare)


Solar Absorption Shield
Limited Flight
Limited Hovering
Strafe Thrusters
Void Sword


"They're not breaking. Why aren't they breaking?"
Grimoire description [1]

Centurions are the field commanders of the Cabal, serving as tactical commanders and are highly skilled in the use of the formidable array of combat electronics and deployable munitions fitted on their heavy armor.[2]


Centurions back up Legionnaires in battle [3] by giving commands and bolstering morale. Their talent for destruction is enhanced by their heavy weapons, capable of cracking enemy morale and leaving them in disarray, and armor that includes sensors to guide the troops. [4][5] They stay mobile thanks to jump jets that blast them across the battlefield and can be distinguished by different types of armor based on class.[6] Centurions are strong enough to overwhelm average Guardians and crush then underfoot.[7] They hold highly valuable coded devices that contain secrets of Cabal resources.[8]


As the lead unit in a standard group of Cabal soldiers, Centurions should be eliminated quickly. Armed with a deadly Projection Rifle, an analogue of a grenade launcher, they relentlessly bombard the position Guardians with highly-explosive grenades at any distance. The grenades they fire have a high velocity, so dodging them can be a challenge. In addition, a Centurion's armor is embedded with a Solar shield, improving their overall durability. In conjunction with their deadly firepower, they are also surprisingly mobile due to their jump jets, which they use repeatedly to reposition themselves and find a different firing points so they can continue to pound Guardians with their Projection Rifles.[9]

Destiny 2

In Destiny 2, Centurions gain the ability to hover with their jetpacks, using the height advantage to bombard Guardians with their Cabal Bronto Cannon. While hovering, they may strafe to evade incoming fire. Like Legionaries, they are able to deploy a wrist-mounted sword to make melee attacks.[10]

Known Centurions

Sand Eater Centurions

Dust Giant Centurions

Blind Legion Centurions

Skyburner Centurions

Broken Legion Centurions

Red Legion Centurions

Loyalist Centurions

Legionless Centurions

Imperial Centurions

Shadow Centurions

Proxy Centurions

Nightmare Centurions


Notable Variations
Common Variants
Specific Variants



List of appearances



  1. ^ Tuk'rin was referred to as a Centurion, but appears as a Legionary in game