Forum:Imperial Commander

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Imperial Commander Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Imperial Commander
Ghalak the Colossus.jpg
Biographical information




Red Legion
Imperial Cabal





Combat information


Solar Red Legion Slug Rifle
Arc Red Legion Concussion Rifle (Variant)
Arc Cabal Cluster Missiles


Blindness Effect
Slowness Effect
Kinetic Jetpack Charge
Kinetic Ground Slam
High Durability
Rapid Movement
Limited Flight
Strafe Thrusters
Summon Cabal


Imperial Commanders are powerful Centurions that fight similarly to Valus Thuun and Ghalak the Colossus, Forge Warden.


The Centurion's main weapon of choice is a   Red Legion Slug Rifle, which fires high-impact kinetic slugs at a rapid rate, although when its targets are out of range, they will switch to   Cabal Cluster Missiles, which behave in the same way as the Colossus' missiles, inflicting blindness and slowness effects upon detonation. When faced at close range, they will slam the ground with their fist to generate a shockwave ( ) that has high knockback force; they will also slam ( ) into the ground when charging with their jetpack. With their high-impact weaponry, disorienting missiles, and high mobility, the Centurion will pose a serious threat to under-leveled Guardians. On occasion, they will will come equippeed with a   Red Legion Concussion Rifle. If they have this then they will swap to it as a secondary fire mode.