Forum:Taizuul, the Rimed Emissary

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Taizuul, the Rimed Emissary Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Taizuul, the Rimed Emissary
Biographical information




Neon Wraiths




Empowered Psion



Combat information


Subjugated Vault: Recruitment Drive


Arc Cabal Slug Launcher
Stasis Coldsnap Grenade


Summon Cabal
High Durability
Rapid Movement
Jetpack Dash
Limited Flight
Stasis Psionic Quake
Stasis Fractal Javelins
Stasis Sundering Gale
Stasis Glacial Displacement
Rime Armor
Summon Psion Commander(s)
Glacial Healing
Summon Exothermic Bulwark


"A distasteful showcase of Psionic potential! Bah! Let the Guardians deal with this heresy!"
Shin'ra, the Sorrow-Maker

Taizuul, the Rimed Emissary is a Stasis-Empowered Psion of the Neon Wraiths. Presumed to be an agent of the missing Dominus Xaruun, the Psion would be dispatched to various Cabal cells across the system in an effort to rally them to the Stasis-empowered Cabal faction, and is presumed to have intentionally been detained within the Nephilim. Catching onto the Psion's ploy for new allies, loot-hungry Guardians would eliminate the Stasis-wielding Psion, along with it's newly uplifted entourage at the behest of Eris Morn and Shin Malphur.


"An agent of a broken dark insurgency brings such delicately dark gifts…"
Shin'ra, the Sorrow-Maker

Taizuul will begin his engagement rapidly strafing his opponents, harassing them with blasts from his personal Cabal Slug Launcher and frequently making use of his jetpack to maneuver around the arena, as well as his opponents. After distinctly channeling psionic energy much like other Psion Flayer bosses, Taizuul will either unleash a barrage of   Fractal Javelins that can rinse a target, if not freeze them and make them easy pickings or unleash a   Glacial Displacement blast, hitting a target from below with a block of dark ice, sending them into the air all the while slowing them.

After a period of time has elapsed, a Psion Commander will spawn somewhere in the arena, in which Taizuul will begin acquiring Rime Armor, slowly but surely diminishing incoming damage the more and more it builds up. Killing these Commanders slows the accumulation of the Stasis armor, but more and more Commanders will gradually spawn. Note that while these units are present, Taizuul will also attempt to unleash   Sundering Gales in an effort to stop Guardians from reaching the Commanders, freezing and severely damaging anyone caught in the open. Upon reaching critical stasis energy, Taizuul will engulf himself in a Stasis "cocoon" and slowly begin regenerating health. In order to break the Cocoon before he recovers all of his lost health, players must procure a Thermal Charge from a Exothermic Bulwark and carry it through Simmering Pools across the arena in order to shatter the Cocoon entirely and reveal Taizuul.
