Shades, also known as Echoes, are paracausal imitations or apparitions created using Darkness.
In the Broodhold Strike, In Anânh, Brood Queen will reach out to Ur, the Ever-Hunger and create a Shade of herself.
By using the power of the Darkness, Oryx, the Taken King was able to create a Taken projection of himself in the form of the Echo of Oryx. These Echoes allowed him to enact his will remotely where he could summon and command Taken troops. Oryx's power in an area faded once an Echo was vanquished and any Taken he summoned were recalled.
Other Taken can also create artificial projections in the form of shadows, which are shadowy imitations of lesser enemies such as Shadow Thralls and Shadowbeasts.
Counterfeit Taken
Some of the Counterfeit Taken in Prophecy appear in the form of Echoes, like the Knight Echoes, Centurion Echoes, the Phalanx Echo and the Kell Echo.
Osiris' Echoes
Osiris was capable of manifesting Echoes that were stated to be reserved for Taken Kings and he exclusively used them to traverse near the core of the Sundial.[1]
- ^ Bungie (2020/3/10), Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy,Weblore: Maintenance Operations Log 30037