

Spread Taken corruption

At war with:

The City
The Reef


Masses of flesh and Taken tentacles seemingly fused with Servitors

Average lifespan:


Notable individual(s):

Voice of Riven
Xaras, Greed of Xivu Arath
Inomina, Plague of the Well
Ascendant Primeval Servitor


Chimeras are Taken entities created from Fallen Servitors.


Chimeras appear to be horrific amalgamations of Fallen Servitor components and living flesh. In place of the central "eye" of a Servitor is a gaping maw, lined with rows of fangs. The exterior of the creature is covered with numerous translucent tentacles reminiscent of the appearance of other Taken.

It is currently unknown how Chimeras are created, although the existence of Ascendant Primeval Servitors suggest they have existed among the Taken for quite some time.


Chimeras are massive targets that are always the focus of combat whenever they appear. Their main attack option consists in an amplified version of the Servitor Eye, a slow traveling explosive called Eversion that deals devastating Void damage. Their secondary attack consists in a swarm of Axion Dart-like projectiles called Seeker Burst. These seekers are much larger and more resilient that Axion Darts, are fired in groups of three or four, and deal considerable Kinetic damage with high knockback. Some Chimeras fire them freely, while others open their shells awaiting to be struck before unleashing their Seekers. To anyone foolish enough to move close to them, Chimeras can deliver a melee ground blast with high damage and knockback.

Chimeras float around slowly, relying on the impenetrable thickness of most of their shell to protect them from damage. Their weak spot is their central eye-mouth, with the flesh around it taking reduced damage, and the rest of the body mitigating it even more. Being Ultra enemies, Chimeras can also summon hordes of combatants, usually other Taken, as support. In addition, they often have other defensive or offensive abilities, such as creating immunity Blights, or controlling pools of damaging liquid matter.

Notable Chimera



Voice of Riven

Xaras, Greed of Xivu Arath

Inomina, Plague of the Well


  • The Legendary Emblem Primeval Prime suggests that these Chimeras might have been former Prime Servitors.
    • This would be further supported by Variks' question to Fikrul, if the latter had betrayed Kaliks Prime to the Taken, which went missing during the Reef Wars.
  • The term "Chimera" refers to a beast from Greek mythology, which had the head of a lion, the body of a goat and tail of a serpent. The term is also used in biology, to refer to an organism containing cells with different DNA. Both meanings are relevant in describing the Chimera in Destiny, as it appears to be a monstrous hybrid of multiple different types of being.
  • Chimeras vaguely resemble Cacodemons from the 2016 first-person shooter Doom, both in appearance and abilities.

List of appearances
