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- "Forged in honor of Skorri, in lessons learned and lessons taught."
- — Weapon description
The Wizened Rebuke is a Legendary Fusion Rifle that can be acquired through the Iron Banner.
Column 1Edit
- High-Impact Frame- Slow-firing and high-damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Column 2Edit
- Cleanshot IS- Snapshot sight. Short zoom. - Increases handling speed - Slightly increases range
- Red Dot 2 MOA- Snapshot sight. Short zoom. - Slightly increases range - Increases handling speed
- Red Dot Micro- Agile sight. Short zoom. - Increases range - Increases handling speed
Column 3Edit
- Liquid Coils- Slower-building charge for higher damage. - Increases impact damage - Slower charge time
- Enhanced Battery- Strong battery life. - Increases magazine size
Column 4Edit
- Backup Plan- Grants reduced charge time and increased handling speed for a short time immediately after swapping to this weapon.
List of appearancesEdit
- Destiny 2 (First appearance)