Loot is the collective term for various items, abilities, and currency that can be found or awarded to Guardians for completing quests. Before being collected, loot appears in the world as glowing polyhedra.[1] Defeating bosses will reward Guardians with rare loot, such as Exotic weapons and armor.[2] Loot can also be found in chests hidden around the world; many include Glimmer, but some also include a piece of gear. [3] Items and weapons may be traded between player characters under a single account by use of a vault, armor can only be used by the class it is designed for, at this time nothing can be traded between different players within the Tower.
Loot in Destiny
Enemy drops
- Primary ammo (white box)
- Special ammo (green box)
- Heavy ammo (purple box)
- Glimmer (Dropped by Majors and Ultras by default. Normal enemies require a Glimmer-multiplying consumable to drop Glimmer.)
- Orbs of Light (per enemy killed with a Super, available only to other players)
Inventory items
See Weapons. Guardians can carry primary weapons, special weapons, and heavy weapons.
See Armor.
- Glimmer
- Motes of Light: Stored in Materials
- Strange Coins: Stored in Materials
- Crucible Marks: Earned in the Crucible, used to purchase Crucible and Faction gear—Replaced in Year Two by Legendary Marks
- Vanguard Marks: Earned in Strikes, used to purchase Vanguard gear—Replaced in Year Two by Legendary Marks
Engrams can be collected from bosses, random enemies, or chests. Engrams will appear in a player's weapon or armor inventory.
Consumables are one-time-use items that grant various bonuses. Guardians can carry 15 consumable items.
Ammo synthesis: Replenish ammo for one weapon. Has a 5 minute cooldown after use.
Weapon telemetry: Speed up the upgrade progression of a weapon for 30 minutes. Can be purchased from Xûr, Agent of the Nine or the Gunsmith, Banshee-44.
- Auto Rifle Telemetry
- Fusion Rifle Telemetry
- Hand Cannon Telemetry
- Machine Gun Telemetry
- Pulse Rifle Telemetry
- Rocket Launcher Telemetry
- Scout Rifle Telemetry
- Shotgun Telemetry
- Sniper Rifle Telemetry
Glimmer multiplier: Draw more Glimmer out of enemies when killed for 10 minutes.
Experience multiplier: Get more experience out of enemies killed.
Artifacts: Dropped by Majors or Ultras, sell these to the Cryptarch for two hundred Glimmer each.
Cosmetics: Cosmetic consumables with varying effects.
Legendary keys: There are nine Legendary Keys that can be found by killing any Hive Majors or Ultras aboard the Dreadnaught; or after killing fifty enemies with a Wormfeeder Rune. They are used to open the nine Legendary Chests scattered around the Dreadnaught.[note 1]
- Key of Akka
- Key of Eir
- Key of Gnashing Teeth
- Key of Maggots
- Key of the Spawn
- Key of Ur
- Key of Wyrding
- Key of Xol
- Key of Yuul
Materials are used in upgrading equipment. Materials can be found out in the wild, as rewards for Public Events, or from disassembling items. Guardians can carry two hundred materials.
Salvage materials: These are acquired by disassembling Uncommon or better armor and weapons, which are used to upgrade Rare or better armor and weapons. They are also materials acquired in Salvage Missions.
- Hadronic Essence
- Plasteel Plating
- Sapphire Wire
- Weapon Parts
- Armor Materials
- Red Legion Supplies
- Scalpel Leeches
- Runed Tablets
- Marrow Dust
- Arc Inducers
- Docking Caps
- Ether Sups
- Grafted Bones
- Husk Flakes
- Warping Claws
- Shock Cores
- Temper Cloth
- Wire Wraps
- Scrap Castings
- Captured Essence
- Fusor Proxy Drives
- Swivel Turrets
- Slap Channels
- Roto Joints
- Heavy Roto Joints
- Focusing Lenses
- Stasis Disruptors
- Stream Syphons
- Torchlight Bindings
- Anti-Grav Nodes
- Hard-Point Plating
- Thread-Metal Strands
- Slug Screws
- Enamel Caps
- Hard Point Glass
- Force Harnesses
- Symbiotes
- Sensor Whips
Planetary materials: Acquired by finding resource nodes or opening loot chests on planets, or purchasing from the Vanguard Quartermaster Roni 55-30. Completing the Daily Heroic Story Mission or a Bounty for Patrol missions also yields ten materials from that planet. Used to upgrade Legendary or better armor and weapons.
- Cosmodrome and Plaguelands, Earth
- Ocean of Storms, Moon
- Ishtar Sink, Venus
- Meridian Bay, Mars
- Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn
Legendary materials: Acquired by completing high-level activities such as the Daily Heroic Story Mission, Nightfall Strike, or in chests in Raids, or disassembling Legendary armor and weapons. Also a potential reward for Public Events. Used for the final set of upgrades on Legendary armor and weapons.
- Ascendant Energy
- Ascendant Shard
- Embalming Orb
- Etheric Light
- Radiant Energy
- Radiant Shard
- Runed Core
Exotic materials: Acquired by purchasing from Xûr or disassembling Exotic armor and weapons. Used for the final upgrade on Exotic armor and weapons, as well as for Ascending or Infusing them.
Summoning Runes: Acquired from killing Taken lieutenants. Used to summon the Court of Oryx at the Hall of Souls on the Dreadnaught.
Skyburners materials: Acquired from killing Cabal Majors on the Dreadnaught. Used to do specific activities and retrieve special rewards.
Quest materials: Found only when certain quest are active for you to complete.
- Soliton Flare- Found in Helium Filaments deposits on the Moon. Available only during the quest A Sword Reforged for the Raze-Lighter.
- Zeptocyte Core- Found in Spinmetal leaves on Earth. Available only during the quest A Sword Reforged for the Bolt-Caster.
- Relic Crystal- Found in Relic Iron deposits on Mars. Available only during the quest A Sword Reforged for the Dark-Drinker.
Crafting materials: Acquired by looting chests on the Dreadnaught and used to craft specific weapons.
Mission rewards
Mission rewards are items collected from completing missions. These can be turned in to the Vanguard for rewards. Ten mission rewards can be carried at once.
- Warping Claws - The Dark Within - Turn in to Vanguard for choice of Uncommon armor
- Ancient Recording - The Last Array - Turn in to Banshee-44 for choice of Uncommon Heavy Weapon
- Dead Ghost - The Dark Beyond - Turn in to the Speaker to receive a Writ for arms, which in turn is given to Banshee-44 for choice of Uncommon Special Weapon.[note 2]
Current Bounties are stored as items in a player's inventory, which then have to be returned upon completion. A player can carry five Bounties of any type at any one time. These can be abandoned at any time to free up slots and, if they are still available from the Bounty Vendor, picked up again with all progress reset to zero.
Loot in Destiny 2
Enemy drops
- Special Ammo (green box)
- Power Ammo (purple box)
- Glimmer
- Orbs of Power (generated through specific fragments, multikills using a Siphon armor mod, and kills using a super, available only to other players)
Inventory items
See Weapons. Guardians in Destiny 2 can carry Kinetic weapons, Energy weapons, and Power weapons.
See Armor.
Engrams can be collected from bosses, random enemies, or chests. Engrams will appear in a player's weapon or armor inventory.
Materials are used in upgrading equipment. Materials can be found out in the wild, as rewards for Public Events, or from disassembling items. Guardians can carry up to 9,999 materials.
Planetary materials: Acquired by finding resource nodes or opening loot chests on planets. Redeemed for reputation with a planet's Public Sector vendor. From The Witch Queen onwards, newly released materials directly add to the Reputation track upon their collection in patrol. Beginning in Season of the Seraph, planetary materials can no be collected into the player's inventory.
- European Dead Zone, Earth
- New Pacific Arcology, Titan
- Arcadian Valley, Nessus
- Echo Mesa, Io
- Fields of Glass, Mercury
- Hellas Basin, Mars
- The Tangled Shore, the Reef
- The Dreaming City, the Reef
- Ocean of Storms, the Moon
- Rathmore Chaos, Europa
- Savathûn's Throne World
- Derelict Leviathan
- Neomuna, Neptune
Dismantling materials: Acquired by disassembling various pieces of gear and weapons. Rare gear always produces one unit of Gunsmith Materials, and Legendary and Exotic gear produce 3. Legendary gear also produces 3 units of Legendary Shards, and Exotic gear produces 5. With the release of The Witch Queen, Gunsmith Materials have been deprecated in favor of a Reputation track.
Activity tokens: Acquired by doing activities and opening chests on different locations as well as doing playlist activities. With the introduction of Update 2.0 and Forsaken, Tokens are no longer granted upon completing activities, with the exception of Crucible Tokens, Vanguard Tactician Tokens and Iron Banner Tokens. By the time of the release of the Season of the Haunted, all tokens have been deprecated in favor of a Reputation track.
- Devrim Kay - EDZ Reputation
- Sloane - Arcology Reputation
- Failsafe - Nessus Reputation
- Asher Mir - Io Reputation
- Lord Shaxx - Crucible Reputation
- Commander Zavala - Vanguard Tactician Reputation
- Ikora Rey - Vanguard Research Reputation
- Benedict 99-40 - Imperial Reputation
- The Emissary - Trials of the Nine Reputation
- Brother Vance - Mercury Reputation
Masterwork and crafting materials: Mainly used to masterwork armor and weapons, as well as activating Deepsight on weapon patterns that have not yet been unlocked, shaping, and reshaping weapons that has a pattern unlocked.
- Post-Shadowkeep, getting common or uncommon loot from world drop was very rare or impossible.
- ^ YouTube: Destiny ViDoc: Out Here in the Wild
- ^ Bungie.net: Building the Destiny E3 Reveal
- ^ Bungie (2014-6-12), Destiny: Alpha PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard.