Forum:The Hunters

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To be added to fan fiction once finished. Yes, this does not look correct or properly built, wouldn’t mind help on the groups part but don’t waste your time if you don’t want to.

The Hunters

Other name(s):

The Masked

Focal world(s):



At war with:

The Coalition

Allied with:

The Coalition


Blue scaled skin
Masks are part of their religion
Retractable webs on feet and hands
Extreme Intelligence

Average lifespan:

100-900 years

Notable group(s):

Orion Division

Notable individual(s):

Arvth Ryx, Lord Regent
Infernium Noxx


The Hunters are a new species appearing in Destiny 2. They appear very briefly, only seen on Nessus and Europa. The times they appear they are either on reconnaissance or tech recovery missions. All of them wear masks which is part of their religion. So far they only appear in the “Crashed Tech Pod” public events and “Hidden Vault” missions as well as a Takedown. They are allied with a group of freed Psions. They are neutral to the Coalition.




The Hunters hierarchy is unique, unlike anything Earth has seen. Royalty seems to adorn emerald or any shades of green.

The following ranks appear among their leaders:

  • Bleeder- A field officer similar to a sergeant.
  • Controller- A field officer similar to a lieutenant.
  • Volt
  • Admiral- Head of half a fleet.
  • Vice Admiral- Head of a fleet.
  • Infernium- Head commanders of 3 fleets.
  • Lord Regent- A rare title used only by the highest ranking Hunters. A Lord Regent holds watch over a Solar System.



Command StructureEdit

The command structure of The Masked hugely revolves on the amount of tech an individual has.

  • Envoy- Light scout equipped with a reinforcement summing back pack.
  • Operative- Standard soldier equipped with a weapon, knife, and ordnance.
  • Enforcer- Shotgun unit.
  • Cremator- High ranking pyrotechnic soldier equipped with flamethrower and shield generator.
  • Hitman- Elite assassins only appearing to bring down a HVT or Guardian.
  • Warden- Commanding officers and powerful tacticians. Equipped with a weapon, sidearm, missile launcher, and power suppressing tech alongside heavy armor.
  • Hangmen- Commanding officers who often fight in combat. Equipped with AntiMaterial Rifles and claws.
  • Overseer- High ranking troops only encountered on Hunter command ships that act as overwatch for missions. Equipped with mind bending technology and protected by elite body guards.

Groups and SyndicatesEdit

{{ | class="wikitable" |- !Image !Name !width="225"|Nobility !Description |-


|| Vault Guardians ||

|| The guardians of the Hunter’s ancient vaults on Europa. |-



Orion Division ||

|| The primary force at Sol led by the Regent of Sol. | }}

Known HuntersEdit


Orion DivisionEdit

Vault GuardiansEdit



  • They are extremely similar to humans despite having much better tech and intelligence.