Forum:Crown Brood

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Crown Brood Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Template:Hive Sect infobox The Crown Brood is a collection of Hive serving a triplet of worms. They also have a Ahamkara in their leadership. They are a small brood, about the size of Croat’s Brood.



The Crown Brood’s structure is odd. It consists of the head leaders, the Court of the Maker, the ThroneMakers, and then the lowly members and lieutenants. They are also known to strangely hold parties where politics are discussed and have a bit of infighting. Their lair, the Realm of the Maker, is separated into Dominions, each ruled by a different ruler. The Crown-Eaters only pull the strings and rarely show themselves, staying inside their fortress.


Main Leaders
Court of the Maker
