Forum:House of Obsidian(Expansion)

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The House of Obsidian






Xbox One
Xbox Series X/S
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
Xbox App
Epic Games Store

Release date(s):

November 3rd, 2022


Action role-playing
First-person shooter


ESRB: Teen (T) for Blood, Language, and Violence
PEGI: 16+


House of Obsidian is the third DLC of Destiny 2 and eleventh expansion of the Destiny franchise. House of Obsidian's main Campaign takes place in various destinations, notably Triton, Earth, Nessus, The Reef, Ceres, and Venus. House of Obsidian involves halting Eramis' attempt at conjoining Obsidian with Salvation, forcing Obsidian out of hiding.


  • "An old foe has been found within the surface of Triton, Disrupt a hidden peace, and face the consequences." -House of Obsidian DLC page, brief summary of the Campaign on respective stores.
  • "Eramis has unearthed a Fallen civilization to the rest of the world, leaving them to enact a plan to branch out to the system now that their cover's been blown, Stop the House of Obsidian from rising and conquering Sol."- Upon hovering over the House of ObsidianDLC icon in the director.
  • "SHATTER THE LEGEND. Prevent another House of Wolves situation by racing House of Obsidian to the ins and outs of the solar system, and discover a hidden Fallen colony on Triton." - Upon clicking the House of Obsidian DLC in the directory.
  • "Travel to Triton and discover a city grander than any Destination seen before in Destiny 2. Meet Shiro-4, join the fight against the Obsidian Eliksni, and prevent devastation from the terraformed planet's capital." - House of Obsidian DLC page brief summary of the Stellarian Bazaar in respective stores.


  • The Collector's Edition of The House of Obsidian came with the second edition of the Hidden Dossier written by Ikora Rey and containing documents and reports from Hidden agents to her, A letter from Shiro-4, and the mini-lithograph and vinyl sticker items. Also present within the set is House of Obsidian's original soundtrack in digital and physical form, to be delivered prior to the release of the expansion.
  • Removed Airborn Effectiveness in favor of Scope and Barrel options visually changing the weapon


PVE Content


Haze Hunts

Story Missions


Faction Rally

PVP Content

new and reprised crucible maps

Vehicles, Equipment, and Technology

Weapons and Armor

Class-specific weapons available through Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit quests Weapon Foundry gear, with each foundry having its own unique design and playstyle. Available foundries include:

Weapons upgraded through Infusion: dismantle more powerful weapons to increase the attack value on your equipped weapon. New heavy weapon class unlocked through a Quest from Eris Morn: the Sword 17+ new Exotic weapons (exact number unknown; the existence and/or method of obtaining certain weapons is "classified" by Bungie)
