Forum:Bloodthirst Minotaur

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Bloodthirst Minotaur Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Bloodthirst Minotaur

Bloodthirst Minotaurs are colossal Vex Minotaur units empowered and conditioned by the Darkness and are tasked with eliminating the Collective's greatest threats.


Glaringly and obviously lacking in terms of weaponry, these unique Minotaurs are equipped with nothing more than their bare, spear-like claws and, as opposed to their fellow inferiors, the Bloodthirst Minotaur will instead circle their opponents and await the perfect time to strike, though they will attack enemies close to them or if their health is starting to run low. Once they find an ideal spot to charge their opponents, the Bloodthirst Minotaur will unleash a mechanical howl and plant their legs into a pre-sprint stance before they attempt to chase down and eliminate their opponents. The only way to stagger and defeat these initially immune enemies is to dodge their charge and allow them to collide with a surface, where they will be susceptible to damage and can be eliminated.