Harrowed Defiance of Yasmin

Revision as of 22:48, June 8, 2016 by Sniper Vandal (talk | contribs)

"Shields up! Protect the Queen! Brace for impact! Save the Queen—" —Paladin Yasmin Eld

The Harrowed Defiance of Yasmin is a sniper rifle obtained by killing the Warpriest in King's Fall on hard mode. This weapon is just a re-skin of Defiance of Yasmin with a dark shade, making it look more cool. This sniper rifle has a very unique scope that grants lots of social awareness. This weapon also has a unique firing sound, great impact, a slow reload, and a decent rate of fire for a sniper rifle. Here are its perks:

Column 1; Will of Light: This weapon grants bonus damage against taken enemies.

Column 2; (Able to select either one of these perks) Linear Compensator: More predictable recoil, slight boosts to range and impact, more recoil. Accursed Ballistics: More range and impact, increased recoil. Field Choke: More range and impact, increased recoil

Column 3; Cocoon: When stowed for a short time, this weapon is automatically reloaded from your reserves.

Column 4; (Able to select either one of these perks) Hand Loaded: This weapon is effective at an extended range. Lightweight: When held, this weapon grants +2 character Agility. Injection Mold: Increased Stability, Faster Handling Reduced Range

Column 5;(When obtained, there is a random chance the gun will any ONE of these) Perfectionist: Magazine is refunded if all shots fired are precision kills. Firefly: Precision kills with this weapon cause the target to explode. Life Support: Kills with this weapon while critically wounded have a chance to start regenerating health. Hot Swap: Readying this weapon grants a brief period of bonus accuracy.

This weapon is worth the trouble of the Warpriest, and is one of the best sniper rifles in the game.