Cloud Strider

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"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
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Cloud Striders

Focal world(s):



Defend Neomuna

At war with:

Cabal (Shadow Legion)
Darkness (Pyramids)

Allied with:


Average height:

Comparable to the Cabal [1]


Cyber enhancements[2]

Average lifespan:

Reduced to a decade after enhancement[2]

Notable individual(s):


Cloud Striders are the defenders of Neomuna. They are considered to be an antithesis of Guardians in that they volunteer to defend with reduced lifespans, rather than being chosen as immortal soldiers.


Cloud Striders are Neomuni who have volunteered to undergo a process to enhance themselves with nanotechnology, granting them enhanced strength and agility, and increasing their height, making them taller than even Empress Caiatl. Additionally, this nanotechnology affords the Cloud Striders powerful weapons, including a compact silver surfboard-like device that both allows the Cloud Striders to quickly move about Neomuna and can be used as a shield, as well as a transforming gun powerful enough to strike a Pyramid.

However, these augmentations have drawbacks. In addition to a shortened lifespan of about a decade, only two Cloud Striders can exist at any given time. Commonly, these Cloud Strider pairs consist of an older one and a younger one (presumably a mentor and pupil, respectively).[2]

The deeds of past Cloud Striders are commemorated in the Hall of Heroes in Neomuna, where servers containing personal data from every deceased Cloud Strider can be accessed by the Neomuni public.

Known Cloud Striders


Many colony ships sought to escape Earth during the Collapse. Most failed to flee Sol, and many ended up forming what is now known as the Reef. One ship, however, successfully transported a group of people to Neptune, where they eventually settled and became the citizens of Neomuna. Some of these citizens chose to augment themselves with nanotechnology to protect the city from threats like the Vex.[2]

According to Nimbus, no Cloud Strider prior to Rohan ever died in the line of duty, with all of them living out their full ten-year lifespan before succumbing to their augmentations.


  • In the Lightfall reveal trailer, a transforming weapon used by a Cloud Strider appears to be able to attack a Pyramid with a rocket[3]. If this is the case, this would be the first known weapon capable of doing so, as the Pyramids have negated any previous attempts at an attack.
  • The nanotechnology they use is not to be confused with SIVA, however, the lore tab for the Quicksilver Storm does imply that Neomuna is dependent on technology which can interface with that of Clovis Bray.


List of appearances


  1. ^ Bungie (2022/8/23), Destiny 2: Season of Plunder - Ghost shell lore: Speed Metal Shell
  2. ^ a b c d Destiny 2 devs explain the Cloud Striders: Destiny 2 Showcase 2022 - Livestream
  3. ^ Lightfall Reveal Trailer: Destiny 2: Lightfall - Reveal Trailer
  4. ^ Bungie (2022/8/23), Destiny 2: Season of Plunder - Weapon lore: Quicksilver Storm