Forum:House of Ashes

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House of Ashes

" My people, follow them, follow the Man in the Library, He will offer you treasures beyond imagination, we will become the most powerful, we will ascend from Fallen to true Eleknisi"
Kytaks, Kell of Minds

The House of Ashes is a Fallen house based on Callisto. They have numerous members and a better arsenal than most houses. Though they are large, they are also mercenaries and outlaws and only a few of them were uniforms of blackish red and black silver armor.



Kytaks, Kell of Minds Nemesis(Temporarily)

Prime Servitors

Oni, elected prime Talis, The Perfect Fufilment EvaZaBund, The Glitch Donix, The Watcher(Now pilots brig)


Arix, Archon Fulfilling Ares, Ash Archon Oni Glitch Perfected, Shadow Archon(Formerly)


Hedix, Ash Baron Rowe, The Elite Onix, The Sniper Ender, The Commander The Mad Baron Neviks, ash baron

Ash Lieutenants

Cota, The Pilot Lovint, The Shadow Eva-9x, the Immortal

Nemesis’ crew

Nemesis, Kell of Kells The Delinquent Elikas, the burner Thoris, the once shadow

Lovint’s Shadows

Baliks, treasure Captain Senak, The Technocrat Delvim, The Fist of Lovint Thek, Shadow Ally Nemil, Shadow Ally Verist, shadow Ally Tamak, the game starter

Other Members

Storis, the unloyal Reshing

Former Members

Thelvik, traitor of ash Approximately 200 of their troops turned into The Glitched

==Associates==: Hayden Taniks