An example of a Super being performed.

Supers are the most powerful Abilities that Guardians are able to use according to their subclass[1]. Manifestations of the Traveler arcane power, the Guardians channel this power to attack or defend against the many threats to the City. Examples are the Hunter's Golden Gun, the Warlock's Nova Bomb, and the Titan's Fist of Havoc.[2]


Players have a "Super meter" above their weapon icons; when its full, the player can cast their super. The meter can be filled in various ways, including but not limited to:

  • Slowly but gradually refilling over time (cooldown reduced with a higher Intellect score on armor).
  • Defeating combatants.
  • Landing precision final blows (Critical hits).
  • Picking up Orbs of Power.

Once the player's meter is filled, it turns yellow, and the text "Super Charged" appears in the middle of the screen with a sound effect.

Some effects and Mods can make use of part of the player's Super meter for various benefits. Both players and combatants have access to ways to impede or stop a Super ability, such as Void Suppression or the Darkness Bolt of Taken Captains.

The Hive Lightbearers of the Lucent Brood are also capable of using Supers, which they need to charge over time. When their Super is available, their eyes will glow in the color of their element.[3]

Subclass Supers (Destiny)

Class Solar Arc Void
Hunter Golden Gun Arc Blade Shadowshot
Titan Hammer of Sol Fist of Havoc Ward of Dawn
Warlock Radiance Stormtrance Nova Bomb

Subclass Supers (Destiny 2)

Class Solar Arc Void Stasis Strand
Hunter Golden Gun Arc Staff Shadowshot Silence and Squall Threadrunner
Blade Barrage Gathering Storm Spectral Blades - -
Titan Hammer of Sol Fist of Havoc Sentinel Shield Glacial Quake Berserker
Burning Maul Thundercrash Ward of Dawn - -
Warlock Daybreak Stormtrance Nova Bomb Winter's Wrath Broodweaver
Well of Radiance Chaos Reach Nova Warp - -

List of appearances


  1. ^ Game Informer January 2014, page 54
  2. ^ IGN Bungie's Destiny: A Land of Hope and Dreams
  3. ^ Bungie (2022/2/22), Destiny 2: The Witch Queen