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The Sigil of the Striker

"The dream of the City. Its Walls keep it together. Its spears—the Strikers—are what keep it alive."
Commander Zavala

Striker is an Arc-based Titan subclass featured in Destiny and Destiny 2. This subclass of Titan is associated with pure offense and facing the enemy head-on and at melee range.

Notable Strikers


You'd think the problem with showing up empty-handed to a gunfight would be the bullets. And yes, turning a gunfight into a fistfight is an awful lot of work, tactically speaking, but really I just don't have the patience for all the hiding, and all the fumbling for batteries or flechettes or whatever when it's time to reload, which seems to happen the moment I start to enjoy myself.

Hiding and reloading. Hiding and reloading. Sounds amazing; you all have fun. My fists don't need reloading.

Back to the problem. The problem with fists is hygiene. Paint your armor fist to shoulder in alien ichor, toxic robotic lubricant, and ashes. Now take a good look at yourself. That's the only reason I envy the hiders and the reloaders. They get to stay clean.

Upgrades (Destiny 1)

"At close quarters a fist is better than any gun."
— Class Description

Tier 1—Grenades

  • Flashbang Grenade—an explosive grenade that disorients the enemies it damages
  • Pulse Grenade—a grenade that periodically damages enemies inside its explosion radius
  • Lightning Grenade—a grenade that sticks to any surface, periodically emitting bolts of lightning

Tier 2—Movement

  • Lift—Jump and then press again while in the air to activate Lift
  • Increased Height—upgrades Lift to travel to greater heights
  • Increased Control—upgrades Lift for better directional control while in the air
  • Catapult—upgrades Lift to provide a strong initial burst of momentum

Tier 3—Super

  • Fist of Havoc—smash the ground and dissolve nearby enemies in a maelstrom of Arc Light
  • Aftermath—Fist of Havoc leaves a damage-dealing field in its wake
  • Death from Above—after jumping, Fist of Havoc can be aimed at enemies below
  • Shockwave—Fist of Havoc unleashes a wave of devastating energy which travels along the ground

Tier 4—Melee

  • Storm Fist—a punishing melee attack that deals bonus damage.
  • Overload—hits with Storm Fist have a chance to immediately reset its cooldown
  • Discharge—hits with Storm Fist deal area of effect damage around the target
  • Amplify—kills with Storm Fist significantly reduce the cooldown of Fist of Havoc

Tier 5—Training 1

  • Titan Codex I—training focused on battle recovery and toughness
  • Titan Codex II—training focused on speed and toughness
  • Titan Codex III—training focused on battle recovery and speed

Tier 6—Perks 1

  • Headstrong—sprinting increases the leap distance of Fist of Havoc
  • Aftershocks—increases the duration of Pulse Grenade, Lightning Grenade, and Aftermath
  • Transfusion—kills with Storm Fist or Shoulder Charge immediately trigger health regeneration

Tier 7—Training 2

  • Titan Codex IV—training focused on all attributes
  • Titan Codex V—training focused on maximum battle recovery
  • Titan Codex VI—training focused on raw speed

Tier 8—Perks 2

  • Unstoppable—you are harder to kill while using Fist of Havoc
  • Shoulder Charge—after sprinting for a short time, press to unleash a devastating melee attack
  • Juggernaut—after sprinting for a short time, gain a protective shield

Upgrades (Destiny 2)

Set 1 - Grenades

  • Flashbang Grenade−An explosive grenade that disorients enemies upon detonation.
  • Pulse Grenade−A grenade that periodically emits energy pulses that damage enemies within radius.
  • Lightning Grenade−A grenade that sticks to any surface and periodically emits pulses of lightning that damage enemies.

Set 2 - Movement

  • Increased Height−Upgrades Lift for higher vertical reach.
  • Increased Control−Upgrades Lift for more directional control.
  • Catapult−Upgrades Lift for a strong initial momentum burst.

Set 3 - Super

  • Fist of Havoc−Charge your fists. Once activated, you can shoulder charge or ground slam until Super energy is depleted.

Set 4 - Class Abilities

  • Towering Barricade−A large barrier that can be used for cover or to seal off dangerous areas for a short time.
  • Rally Barricade−A small barrier that can be peeked over while aiming down sights and instantly reloads your equipped weapon when taking cover.

Set 5 - Passive Path 1: Code of the Juggernaut

  • Frontal Assault−A powerful melee punch that increases weapon stability and damage.
  • Reversal−Melee kills trigger health regeneration.
  • Knockout−Breaking enemy shields or critically injuring enemies increases melee range and damage.
  • Trample−Kills with Fists of Havoc extend its duration.

Set 6 - Passive Path 2: Code of the Earthshaker

  • Seismic Strike−After sprinting for a short time, hurl yourself shoulder-first towards your target.
  • Aftershocks-Damaging enemies with Seismic Strike recharges your grenade.
  • Magnitude−Increases the duration of Pulse Grenades, Lightning Grenades, and Aftermath and gives you an extra charge.
  • Terminal Velocity-Fist of Havoc leaves behind a damage-dealing field in its wake and increases its damage the longer you are airborne.

Set 7 - Passive Path 3: Code of the Missile

  • Thundercrash-A modification of Fist of Havoc which sends you into the sky in a guided, missile-like attack which is able to be controlled to slam into enemies from far away.
  • Ballistic Slam-After running, jump into the air to slam into the ground.
  • Impact Conversion-Damage with Ballistic Slam and arc abilities gives super energy
  • Inertia Override-Sliding through dropped ammo will reload held guns and increase weapon damage for a short time

Melee Type

  • Arc-Based Fist Punch
  • Arc-Based Shouder Charge

Upgrades Arc 3.0 (Destiny 2: Witch Queen)


  • Arc Super 1
  • Arc Super 2


  • Arc Grenades


  • Arc Melee(s)


  • Catapult Lift: Jump while airborne to activate Lift and launch into the air with a strong initial burst of momentum.
  • Strafe Lift: Jump while airborne to activate Lift and launch into the air with a strong directional control.
  • High Lift: Jump while airborne to activate Lift and launch into the air to greater heights.

Class Abilities

  • Towering Barricade: Create a large barrier that can be used to reinforce a position with cover enemy fire.
  • Rally Barricade: Create a small barrier that you can peek over while aiming down sights and that increases weapon reload speed, stability, and range when you stand behind it.


  • Arc Aspects


  • Arc Fragements

List of appearances
