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What? There's no "pit" in the Pyramidion!
Asher Mir

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Books of Sorrow

The Books of Sorrow are a compendium of the Hive's history, written by Oryx, the Taken King, stretching back before the dawn of humanity when the Founders of the Hive lived as mortals on Fundament, a gas giant similar to Jupiter, before they rose up and became gods of war.

Excerpts of the Books can be recovered by discovering Calcified Fragments aboard the Dreadnaught. For the full record of the Books of Sorrow, please visit the Grimoire page, where they can be found under Enemies > Books of Sorrow. For the first and last Verses, see Enemies > Darkness.

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Did you know?
  • ...that too many resurrections can warp the mind of a Scorn?
  • ...that Oryx is responsible for the Taken invasion of the Dreaming City, and the taking of Riven?
  • ...that a Titan's Suppressor Grenade not only incapacitates PvE enemies, but also prevents affected Guardians from using their abilities in the Crucible?
  • ...that after Destiny patch 1.1.2, Blades of Crota were removed from Patrol areas?
  • ...that there are different dialogue options between Destiny veterans and new players in Destiny 2?