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Mindbent also known as In Anânh's Brood or Mindbent Brood, are the hive brood spawned under In Anânh and mind-controlled by the Scorned Baron Hiraks, the Mindbender.


As a simple Dreg of the House of Exile, Hiraks was weak and timid. He eventually found himself falling into the Hellmouth on Earth's Moon. He emerged as a changed Eliksni. He became obsessed with the study of the Hive and hasn't spoken a comprehensible word since his aforementioned time in the Hellmouth. Some say he learned his ways from The World's Grave or from the shrines or even through a form of unutterable language. Only Hiraks truly knows. Years later, Hiraks found the means to become Ascendant and form his own throne world within the Ascendant realm. He also gained a reputation for his ability to unravel his enemies' minds and take command over the Hive.

When the Scorn first arrived in the Tangled Shore, Hiraks took In Anânh as his consort, and with her help they spawned "Mindbent" Hive under their control. The Brood Queen, now a traitor to her kin, took refuge near a crashed warship at the Jetsam of Saturn and carved out a nest deep within the Shore.