The Arcstrider is an Arc-based Hunter subclass that became available in Destiny 2. Arcstriders possess a lightning staff that can be swung rapidly at opponents for massive Arc damage.[1]
No one remembers who the first Arcstrider was. Hardly anyone remembers the Arcstrider at all. Time vanished us like it does memories.
But in the darkest days of the Dark Ages, when humanity was utterly defenseless, Arcstriders disciplined their bodies to let the Traveler's energy flow through them, to call lightning itself to hand and wield it like a staff against the Darkness.
Become the Lightning, they said.
Become the staff, they said.
Become a weapon, they said.
We obliged.
- "Flow like lightning. Strike like thunder."
- — Class Description
Set 1 - Grenades
- Skip grenade - A grenade which splits on impact, creating multiple projectiles which seek enemies.
- Flux Grenade - An explosive grenade which deals additional damage when attached to enemies.
- Arcbolt Grenade - A grenade that chains bolts of lightning to nearby enemies.
Set 2 - Movement
- High Jump - Upgrades Double Jump with even greater height.
- Strafe Jump - Upgrades Double Jump with better directional control while in the air.
- Triple Jump - Upgrades Double Jump with a third jump.
Set 3 - Super
- Arc Staff - Conjure a staff infused with Arc electricity that can be used to rapidly slice enemies while maneuvering around the battlefield.
Set 4 - Class Abilities
- Marksman Dodge - Automatically reload your equipped weapon while dodging.
- Gambler’s Dodge - Dodging near enemies generates Melee energy.
Set 5 - Passive Path 1: Way Of The Warrior
- Combat Flow - Melee kills recharge your dodge skill.
- Deadly Reach - Dodging temporarily increases melee range.
- Lethal Current - Arc Staff attacks hit twice after dodging.
- Combination Blow - Kill an enemy with this melee ability to trigger health regeneration and increase your melee damage temporarily. Stacks up to three times.
Set 6 - Passive Path 2: Way Of The Wind
- Disorienting Blow - Striking an enemy with this debilitating melee attack disorients the target. Killing a target with Disorienting Blow instantly recharges it.
- Focused Breathing - Sprinting reduces your dodge cooldown. Increased maximum sprint speed.
- Battle Meditation - When critically wounded, melee and grenades recharge drastically faster.
- Lightning Reflexes - Take less damage while dodging
Set 7 - Passive Path 3: Way of the Current
- Whirlwind Guard - A variation of Arc Staff which allows the staff to be spun in a circular motion, deflecting incoming projectiles. Damage with deflected projectiles increases Arc Staff damage by three times.
- Tempest Strike - Sliding and using a melee attack causes the player to uppercut with the arc staff, dealing arc damage in a line towards enemies.
- Lightning Weave - Melee hits increase reload speed.
- Ebb and Flow - Arc ability damage electrifies enemy targets, and punching electrified targets disorients them, as well as giving grenade, melee, and dodge energy.
Melee Type
- Arc-Powered Punch
Upgrades Arc 3.0 (Destiny 2: Witch Queen)
Class Abilities
An Arcstrider unleashing their Arc Staff alongside a Titan.
List of appearances
- Destiny 2 (First appearance)