Factions are groups that Guardians can join and earn reputation with. Most factions are based within the City, but some are found elsewhere, such as the Reef. Joining and ranking up in a faction allows Guardians to earn rewards.

The Tower

Guardian Factions

These factions give reputation to Guardians by default.

  • Vanguard: The default faction for all Guardians. The Vanguard advise Guardians on missions and see to the City's defense.
  • Crucible: The City's competitive arena.
  • Iron Banner: A special tournament in the Crucible.
  • 'Cryptarch: Any Guardian who brings engrams for decoding are rewarded for their discoveries.

Consensus Factions

These factions form the City's government, the Consensus. They support Guardians who wear their colors during missions or in the Crucible.

Quest Factions

These individuals seek the help of Guardians for their own agendas.

The Reef

Other Factions

These factions are named, but cannot be joined by Guardians or have any reputation stat.

  • Cult of Osiris: A cult dedicated to the teachings of Osiris. Players can interact with its representative, Brother Vance, but cannot earn reputation with them.
  • Symmetry: A minor faction that was founded on the teachings of Ulan-Tan. Barred from the Consensus for being too dangerous.
  • Concordat: A former Consensus member, ejected after its founder, Lysander, was exiled.