- "Now, Bows are long-rangers. You got the patience, and a Bow's as good as any Sniper."
- — Banshee-44
Combat Bows are ranged weapons that use arrows to attack from various ranges depending on the bow. They were introduced in the Forsaken expansion for the first time in the Destiny series. Although they do not have rapid rates of fire like automatic gun weaponry, they are extremely useful for picking off single targets from a range.
Destiny 2 Year Two
- Arsenic Bite-4b
- No Turning Back
- Subtle Calamity
- The Spiteful Fang — Forged from the Izanami Forge (Black Armory)
- Tyranny of Heaven — Drops from the Last Wish raid. A curated version can drop from the Vault encounter.
- The Vow — Obtained through the Crimson Days. Comes fitted with a draw time masterwork.
- Hush - Obtained in Season Of Opulence from a quest done in Gambit. Comes fitted with an accuracy masterwork.
Destiny 2 Year Three
- Accrued Redemption - Acquired from the Garden of Salvation raid.
- Point of the Stag - Season 10 Iron Banner pursuit weapon. Now available from the Monument to Lost Lights.
- Whispering Slab - Acquired from world drops.
Destiny 2 Year Four
- Biting Winds - Acquired from Europa activities.
- Imperial Needle - Acquired from Battlegrounds activities.