List of Eido quotes

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Eliksni Quarter Scans

  • Hello! My name is Eido. My father is Misraaks, Kell of our House. I took my name from his first Awoken friend, Sjur Eido. As Scribe for the House of Light, it's my job to preserve our House's history, so that hatchlings may one day learn our stories. Misraakskel requested that I leave some records for the Humans of the Last City so they might learn about Eliksni culture in their own time. As he says, "Inside a Ketch, everyone breathes the same air. Though I have doubts that the Humans will care to hear our stories, the snipers who look down on us don't look like the curious types. But the Great Machine has chosen them, so I must give them the benefit of my faith. Hopefully this effort does not go wasted.
  • Many Eliksni spend most of their lives on ships. They become more than a home —they're like a member of the family. Misraaks found me in the vent of a wrecked ship, you know. We joke that my father is a Splicer and my mother is a Ketch. [laughs] After the fall of our homeworld, Riis, Eliksni scattered across the stars. Having lost our grounding, Ketches evolved from modes transportations into permanent homes. Even after Eliksni began to resettle in places like the Reef, we never lost our reverence for the machines that kept us alive. Now, after so much wandering, it's hard to believe that there's real ground beneath us, and a real sky above.
  • This Shank has been with us for many years. She's temperamental, but loyal. She's in need of constant repair, but we're used to it. Our House has fixed every part of her, from sensors to exhaust. So when I look at her, I don't see an object. I see the members of my House. I see myself. To us, machines are vessels, not just tools. This is why scrap-working is so important to Eliksni culture. It's a way of sharing our spirit with the world, even when we have nothing. I'm sure that Guardians feel the same way about their Tower. It's more than a hollow form. More than the rubble it was built from. The Tower is the keeper of the Vanguard spirit, and you would defend it more fiercely than any other building. Is it not so?