Forum:Lion High Servitor

Revision as of 22:50, April 12, 2021 by Joskaa (talk | contribs) (→‎Gameplay: Adding this since I noticed that High Servitors inside Kill patrol missions fire their Servitor Eye at a fast pace. But not as bad as a Splicer Servitor, I think.)
Forums: Index Fan Fiction Lion High Servitor Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Lion High Servitor
Lion Servitor.jpg
Biographical information




High Servitor


House of Lions


Mobile Defense


Gray's Last Stand

Combat information


Void Blasts


High Durability
Buff Fallen


"The Jobiks Servitors once stood out as the Lions' Servitors, until the rise of the Andiks Servitors, which were far more superior and newer, than the Jobkis."
Joskaa's journal (chapter 7 entry)

Lion High Servitors are a group of Servitors that belongs to House of Lions. They are also modeled after Andiks Prime.


The Lion High Servitors originally belong to the Andiks line of Servitors, which are modified versions of the Jobiks line, being more younger and far more efficient than the old Jobiks common ones. However the Jobiks models was main line of Servitors to the House, until the rise of Skevsis, the Prowling and the crowning of Joskaa, in which the Andiks line usurped the Jobiks line. These Servitors would be more active, serving heavy defense, protecting significant allies and supplies that belong to the House, a very notable Servitor serves as the personal Servitor of Joskaa, the Kell of Lions.


Much like the normal Fallen High Servitors, the Lion High Servitors in combat uses its eye as its weapon, blasting Void energy blasts at close quarters or from afar, typically uses teleportation to evade gunfire or to pick off its next target, levitating off the ground, strong durability, and the obvious ability of healing Fallen combatants at close range. Although, unlike most normal Servitors, Lion High Servitors are shown to fire its eye at a abnormal fast pace, although not as tedious as the fire rate of a Splicer Servitor, but fast enough to damage enemies rapidly.

Notable Lion High Servitors


  • The Lion High Servitors bears an identical appearance to the Wolf High Servitors, except their central eye and lights are colored vanilla rather than the blue colored lights.
  • Servitors of House Lion within Destiny 2 bears the same appearances of the Lion High Servitors, except the unusual painted white and brown Fallen glyphs.

List of appearances