Forums: Index Fan Fiction Shadowkeeper Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Other name(s):

Swordsman's Legion



Focal world(s):

Solar System


Destroy the Traveler and recreate the universe with Darkness

At war with:

House of Time
Imperial Cabal
House of Flame
Castris's Criminal Empire

Average height:


Average weight:



Rippling shadowy forms
Golden eyes

Average lifespan:


Notable group(s):

The Shadowkeepers
House of Shadows
Shadow Brood
Shadow Divisive
Shadow Legion
The Reborn
Cult of the Scorned
Ghosts of Nagasaki

Notable individual(s):

The Black Swordsman
The White Angel

The Shadowkeepers
Shadow Army Banner.png

"Ever since you slew its champions, the Darkness had become desperate. We thought it would be the end of the Dark, but now it's gained untold numbers of allies from around the Solar System, and this time, it plans to bring forth the end of the Light once and for all. The Shadowkeepers may have found a new ally who can help usher in a new era of darkness, but we have allies of our own. We must deny him and his army the chance to destroy the Traveler so that we can continue what Zavala left off in preventing the Darkness from succeeding in corrupting both our world... and possibly the multiverse."
Hannah Ciel

The Shadowkeepers are a multi-species and varied force of consisting of all six species thus far encountered by the Last City. Led by the dyad leadership of The Black Swordsman and The White Angel, they are a potent enemy.

They are the main antagonists of the Paradox expansion.






  • The Black Swordsman: A rogue a-life program once in service to Rasputin, designed and modeled upon an ancient Japanese military program known as A.L.I.C.E., for the development of better weapons and defense protocols for the betterment of humanity. Corrupted by the Black Fleet during the First Collapse, the Swordsman lost all trace of its former identity and reverted to what it knew: killing or be killed. It went dormant throughout the majority of the Dark and City ages until the Black Fleet reawakened it in preparation for their assault.
  • The White Angel: A rogue a-life program designed by Rasputin to keep the Swordsman in check as its necessary other half; as a paired set of programs, their "existence" is slaved to the other. Corrupted by the Black Fleet during the First Collapse, losing all trace of its former personality and reverting to what it knew: killing, healing, or be killed. Unlike the Swordsman it remained semi-active on the Moon, repelling Hive and Fallen forces from its facility, until the Black Fleet reclaimed it in preparation for their assault.



List of appearances
