Forum:Claw of Vrylzesk

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Claw of Vrylzesk Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

"We are the Claw of Vrylzesk, and our superior requests your presence."
— Yralaks, Claw of Vrylzesk
Claw of Vrylzesk

The Claw of Vrylzesk is a Fallen Syndicate, identified by their teal colored cloaks and dark grey armors. Lead by Vrylzesk, the Illustrious, it was working with Guardians and House of Lions against the House of Emperors, the Syndicate was formed from deserters from the Emperors and House of Dusk, as well as being renowned for including ex-Skyburners from the Cabal Military in their ranks. Following Atrykis's demise, the Claw was merged into Vrylzesk's reformed House of Emperors, but a few of them would help operate among the Emperor Reformists.


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