Scarlet Keep

Revision as of 09:44, January 20, 2021 by CNBA3 (talk | contribs)
This article is about the location on the Moon. For the Strike, see The Scarlet Keep.
Scarlet Keep
Scarlet Keep D2SK.jpg



Enemy factions:

Hidden Swarm

Connecting areas:

Sorrow's Harbor
Tower of Woe


Area type:



The Scarlet Keep is a massive Hive fortress recently established on the Moon. Its construction was overseen by Hashladûn, Daughter of Crota, who designed it to harness the energy of the Pyramid buried in the chasm beneath.


The Scarlet Keep's central tower, the Tower of Woe, acts as an amplifier for Hive magic, which also shields them from the Pyramid's influences.

The Keep appears to be gradually overtaking other nearby Hive structures, as patches of red, spined architecture can be seen within the Hellmouth, The World's Grave, the Temple of Crota and even the Shrine of Oryx.


Dark Future Timeline

In the Exo Stranger’s Timeline, the Scarlet Keep became a base of operations for Eris Morn, when the remaining Earth Guardians, Mara Sov, Cabal and Fallen began their attack, they were met by Hive and Dark Guardians. Zavala became supercharged by the captured Travelers Light and used his power to utterly destroy the Keep.

