Forum:AJ, the Relentless

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction AJ, the Relentless Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

AJ, the Relentless
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Jay Mertens
AJ, Finn's Brother
AJ, Joskaa's Champion
Count AJ
AJ, Void Elemental
The Ringmaster
The Memester
Mr. V
"The Kell of Sparrow Racing" [note 1]
"The One who seeks for Understanding" [note 2]


Venus (resurrection)


Sayian (hybrid)



Political and military information


Adventure Time
The Last City
Thanatonauts (briefly)
House of Lions (associate)
AJ's Host (commander)
Symmetry (briefly)
Meme Squad
Veist (inferred)


Vanguard Scout
Baron (honorary)
Last City Ambassador (House of Lions)


Warlock (Voidwalker) (Stormcaller)

Notable info:

Slayer of Menkrodos, the Dimensional Mind
Ally of Joskaa, Lion Kell
The winner, against Kralikss, Gladitor Champion of the Kell's Arena
Famous Wielder of the Firebringer
The Guardian of Cinnamon the Ghost
A 10-time Fallen-theme race winner of Sparrow Racing League.


"Some Warlocks are able to stare into the Void, but AJ speaks to it and it...spoke back"
— Armor description of the Robes of the Void

AJ, the Relentless (also known as AJ, the Ringmaster, AJ, Captain AJ, and Jay Mertens) is a Guardian, who is from another Dimension. He is known for having a very strong connection to the Void. He is also famous for wielding the Hand cannon, Firebringer.



For his story.

Becoming a Guardian

When a Vex Axis Mind, known as: Menkrodos, the Dimensional Mind, who has the ability to look through and pull things out of a Dimension, AJ would be lulled from his Dimension by an accident, however upon seeing this, Menkrodos would kill AJ. However, after a couple of years, prior to the Wolf Rebellion, AJ would be resurrected by a Ghost, named Cinnamon, who would guide AJ out of a Vex territory on Venus, AJ would arrive to the The Last City. Where, he would begin his journey as a Guardian.

The Search for his memories

Battle against the Dimensional Mind

Siding with the House of Lions

Returning to Home

Learning the Void

Further Adventures

Season of the Relentless



Destiny 1

Destiny 2


Destiny 1

Destiny 2



  • AJ was originally a Titan, but was changed to a Warlock instead, due to his ablilties and a little bit of his personality. But still has some aspects from Titans, such as his sobriquets, echoing from his original class.
  • Despite AJ being Warlock, he has some traits from Titans and Hunters, that only hunters and titans are known to have, such as the ability: Vanish in Smoke, that only Nightstalkers are known to have, as well as having a similar manner to Hunters. While he has the strength of a Titan, such as Shoulder charge, and one-time using the Crown-Splitter, a weapon exclusive for Titans, to defeat a platoon of Cabal.

List of appearances


  1. ^ nicknamed by Marcus Ren
  2. ^ tited by The Nine Emissary
  3. ^ This weapon isn't really a Power Weapon, as it is AJ's personal weapon from his own dimension, but since it's a Sword, it can be inferred to be a Power.