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Seriviks, Jackal Kell
Finally!, I did it, now time to put in this images for seriviks and others.
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Seriviks, Silent Lance (formerly)
Seriviks, Lion Archon (formerly)
The Forgotten Sibling
Kell of Jackals
VIP #3661




House of Lions (formerly)
The Jackal Syndicate (currently)


Archon (formerly)
Kell (currently)





Combat information


Rise of Seriviks
Hidden of the Pack
Den of the Disgraced


Shrapnel Launcher (temporary)
Molten Welder
Shock Grenades (Special)
The Jackal's Howl


Summon Fallen
High Durability
Ultra Smash
Summon Siphon Shanks
Etheric Fallout
Immunity Shield
Wrathful Pack
Summon Samnite
Summon Spiteful Shank Swarm
Summon Ether Sentinel
Ether Empowerment
Plate Destruction
Etheric Regeneration
Sacrament Overload


"So, of us joining Humanity, you go against us....why?"
"Because the Great Machine belongs to us, to Eliksni, not the humans!"
"I refuse to have my house die by Guardians!..If you will stand in the way of this momement, than so be it....Sis...
— An arguement between Joskaa and Seriviks

Seriviks, Jackal Kell (formerly known as Seriviks, Lion Archon) was the former Archon for the House of Lions, who later becomes the Kell of a significant Crime Syndicate, known as The Jackal Syndicate. She is also the sister of Joskaa, the Kell of Lions, and Finsik, a Baron belonging to the Lions.


"I never told You this, but that was my sister...."
— Joskaa, speaking to The Guardian about the discovery of Seriviks

Seriviks was the older sister of Joskaa and Finsik. When Joskaa was crowned as the Kell of Lions, she became the Archon for Andiks Prime, although however, when Joskaa made peace with The Last City and the Awoken, she was disdained over her brother's actions and ditched the House. She however banded together with her followers and House of Gray members who could not execpt Joskaa's authority and created the The Jackal Syndicate and later hid, until the time was right.

Crusades of the Jackals

"We were all rejects and outcasts from our old Houses. Obsolete for years, obsolete since what was once our society, our home was destroyed in the Whirlwind. But we, we have abandoned the rules that still enforce what's left of our kind. We have embraced strength and wit, which has defined us Eliksni even before our beloved Great Machine graced us with it's gifts. Our old families, our old friends, they know nothing of our strength, nothing of our cunning, nothing of our stealth, nothing of our sheer tenacity to fight back against the heretics who destroy something which has granted us our nobility and grace, against the enemies who seek to eradicate, each other and, eventually, their selves. Enemies such as our own, infighting each other and fighting against other Houses, seeing who shall reign supreme... making mistakes and breaking the tradition of us Fallen. We must correct the course of us Fallen, cut out the prideful and ignorant Houses and refine ourselves. We will obtain the Great Machine, we will return to grace, and we will smite the enemies beset against us! We will make us Fallen, Eliksni again! Long live the Jackal Syndicate!"
— Seriviks rallying The Jackal Syndicate

After the Jackals being revealed, Seriviks later took refuge on Nessus. When the Lions found out about this, they sended a Guardian to take her down. Ariving on nessus, She was seen along side Giltris, a Marauder. She, however, escaped leaving Giltris behind only to be killed by the guardian. After the attack, Joskaa orders the guardian to stand down and let his Spies deal with her.

Despite the Guardian unable to find her, Magnusk, Lions' Wrath secretly gave the guardians coordinates to her location, due to her Ketch, Jackalship Semkis-Fel being found on Titan. After fighting through her Kell's Guards and Ketch Enforcers, they face her in her throne room. Despite believing in finishing off, However, She escaped. Joskaa orders the guardian of what they were doing, but with driving Seriviks out of her Ketch. He believe that might do better and left them to find Jackal bounties, while the Kell's Wrath was later reopened to attack the Jackals.

Final Attempt and Death

After the House of Lions and The Last City keep engaging on the Jackals, and her followers keeps shrinking and shrinking, thanks to the Bounties obtained by the Guardians. Seriviks later escapes into the crumbling ruins of old Manhattan, were the Jackals's Lair is located. When the Lions' Scouts founds the Jackals Lair, they sends the reports to Magnusk, which reaches to Joskaa. After this, he sends he's powerful Guardian associates and conducts a Raid to end the Jackal Leadership, once and for all. After invading the Lair and destroying the Jackals' remaining Leaders, Seriviks faces the Guardian once and for all, but after an intense battle, Seriviks is defeated and dies. However after happened, Joskaa orders the Guardian to take her body back to the Lions' Run. After going back to the Lions, they later cremenanted her body.


"Losing a loved one, could destroy our emotions, pride, or even your sanity. For me, losing Seriviks was something I could never forget. She was my favorite sibling, before Fin, Aieraksis, Jeriniss, and Jereliss. Her leaving the Lions, it strained our family bond, but her death, ripped us apart. I wish...I could stop her, before she left Andiks-Fel."
Joskaa, speaking of Seriviks.

With Seriviks's death, it caused a major shockwave between the House of Lions and the Jackal Syndicate. In the Lions' view: despite her death, it could break the Jackals, since she was their Kell. But her death had immensely effected her family, mostly Joskaa and Fesshsa, Seriviks' mother. but when the Guardian founds The Jackal's Howl, Joskaa rebuilt the Weapon and gives it back to The Guardian, in which they used it to honor the Lion Kell's Sister. While the Jackals' view was a different story: With her death. The Jackals had major void within their leadership, since most of the Jackal Leaders are dead. But the only leaders left were Krathiks and Dakiliss, only to fall by the same Guardian who the killed the Jackal Kell. But because of this, the Jackals escapes into Io, to try to make their Lair, only to be thwarted by the same Guardians.

Despite her attempts and making her Syndicate be known, she became one of the most powerful foes to be face by the Guardians and the mostly, the House of Lions. The Pyramid on the Moon later use form as a Nightmare, to haunt any Guardians or Lion scouts, that comes her way, however Eris Morn would discover the Nightmare and send Guardians to destroy it, ending up in the Nightmare Hunts on the moon. Seriviks would later be Taken and be paired with the recently taken Ze Erâh and was pulled into Darumel's Realm, but was destroyed by the same Guardian who killed her before, breaking her free from the corruption and letting her rest peacefully.

The Secret Child

"Wait...he's Seriviks's son!, my sister?!?...Atrykis...I had feeling he may had a affair with Sis...But when did this happen..."


"Heart's and minds means nothing to ambition and wit."
— Seriviks

Rise of Seriviks and Hidden of the Pack

In the first few encounters, Seriviks behaves like any Ultra. She will be heavily guarded by Jackal soldiers and armed with a Shrapnel Launcher and impact Shock Grenades which leave behind an area-of-denial and traps enemies in a field similar to that of a Web Mine. If anyone happens to get too close, she does the Ultra Smash maneuver, which instantly kills anyone, regardless of their buffs or light. Seriviks can regain any lost health by deploying special Heavy Shanks, called Siphon Shanks, which can suppress and drain a player of their health while Seriviks regains her health. However, players are unable to kill her here because she will run off and disappear once her health reaches a certain threshold.

Den of the Disgraced

Once the fight begins, she will call upon her loyalists to join the fray before engaging them with her personally crafted rifle, The Jackal's Howl. This heavy caliber rifle will fire massive Arc slugs at a high velocity, so it is imperative the team stays out of Seriviks' sight-lines as she navigates the arena. Occasionally, she will let out a roar, indicating she will use the Howl's alternate fire, tracking bullets with the ability to instantly kill a Guardian, so the team should immediately seek cover, before these bullets are unleashed upon the perpetrators. She also retains her modified Shock Grenades, which creates damaging areas-of-denial and speed-impairing fields similar to a Web Mine. She will also use her Ultra Smash ability if anyone gets too close, which will instantly kill anyone inside the area of effect, regardless of power and buffs.

She will be coated in an immunity shield thanks to her armor enhancements and external shield projectors on each side of the arena. Once the encounter begins, a Fallen console will activate in the center of the arena, indicating the order in which the projectors must be disabled, the elemental cannon that follows that projector, the location of Ether Sentinel Servitors and the timer counting down to the wipe mechanic, Etheric Fallout. Two teams of two will focus on shutting down the shield barriers, the first team tasked with disabling the first and third projectors, while team two disables the second and fourth projectors. meanwhile, the two remaining will focus on priming the Sacrament Plates with the Etheric charges. The projector teams will head to their projectors and activate the teleporters next to these projectors, which should warp them to an arena outside the main arena. Sensing the intrusion, Seriviks should teleport to that area to engage the aggressors; if team two enters their teleporter following team one, Seriviks will deploy a swarm of Resilient Shanks, named Spiteful Shanks, along with a boss Captain to that side. These teams should seek the Terminator Shank that corresponds to the elemental charge above the map in the enter arena (note that the other elemental variants will exist there, but will only serve to distract and harass the group. An incorrect one destroyed will spawn a Samnite during damage phase, a variable that will decrease time during damage phase.). Once the elemental charge is brought back through the portal, the charge should be brought to one of the two Cannon foundries in the center of the arena before heading out to find the next requisite Shanks. When the teams head back to center, so will Seriviks, who will summon Cannon Engineers, who will carry the cannons required to create the elemental cannons to bring down the Shield Projectors and a Samnite to keep the team on their toes. One of the Shield team members will remain to kill the Captains to pick up their cannons and initialize the production before heading back to their partner on the other side. Meanwhile, the other team responsible for priming plates should be killing the Ether Sentinels whom drop Ether Charges, which amplifies ally damage to Seriviks once damage phase comes around (only three charges should be placed, 4+ will burn out the plate, making the plate useless during damage phase). This team should also be the ones firing the cannons to disable the shield projectors.

Once all shield projectors are disabled, Seriviks will attempt to finish off the team with Etheric Fallout in the center, rapidly trickling down the timer. To prevent this, the team should head to one of these plates and unload everything they have into the Kell, who should quit the wipe attempt and fire down upon the team. After about 15 seconds of damage, she will begin to absorb the Ether from the plate, slowly healing herself up, reverting any progress done to her (even after an optimal damage phase with 3x Ether Empowerment). To stall this, the team should pull out a correct core from one of the similarly powered shield projectors (the plate will be flashing a certain color, indicating which elemental charge should be brought to the plate, where the core should short out the healing process before she returns to the main pedestal to continue the damage phase. After all three plates have been used up, the phase resets. However, the team can only do this 3 times before the Etheric fumes flood the arena, causing the Etheric Fallout to inadvertently wipe the team. All of this is to be repeated until the team is wiped or Seriviks is killed.


  • "I have a Shrapnel Launcher and a real bad case of the trigger finger. These Gray bandits will feel my wrath! What say you brothers?"
  • "Brothers, stay alive, would you? It would be an absolute shame to see you fall, despite years of me practically raising you! Hehe. Anyways, see you back here, I'm buying rations!"
  • "This Skeklos character confuses me. Not the Kell we all know, but himself. He's interesting, in a negative sense. Have you seen him in combat before? Brutal, only to laugh it off! Something tells me he's a sadist, but another says there's more to it."
  • "You're right, brother, it is imperative we do something about this Kell. He must be removed from his throne, once and for all. I'll rally our loyalists."
  • "We reign victorious, brother! The Tyrant falls, and here, the true pride of the Lions rises!"
  • "All hope may seem lost with the desecration of our Great Machine. But us Eliksni, us Lions, must keep our heads up, and our minds from wallowing."
  • "Ha! Look at this! Some cheapskate Fallen Archon wants you dead. Shame, House Gray will never forgive you for killing their Kell, even if YOU never had a hand in their death."
  • "It's an honor to be an Archon, but I would dock myself, if I had to, to return to the battlefield again."
  • "He's not fighting hard enough. Not nearly as hard as he did before we captured for certain. Hmm... Give him a jolt of Ether, let's see how well this goes."
  • "We are Lions, pride of the Eliksni, standard for all Houses to abide, and you break tradition! Not just that, but you join the heretic's who defile our Great Machine!"
  • "You would'nt dare! I have stood by you, stood up for you, defended you, took rounds of Arc-fire for you! And you would throw all that out the window! I'm useless now, am I!?"
  • "No! No, I see now! I just grew so relentless, so ruthless, so bloodthirsty and ungrateful for my position now, didn't I!? Here's something I see about you: You've grown too soft."
  • "...And brother, watch your back, would you? I'm no longer there to protect you."
  • "Exiled by a long obsolete House. How far have us Eliksni- No! "Fallen", well, fallen?"
  • "The era of nobility is gone! There is no etiquette, no grace, no majesty to us Fallen anymore. Only our wit, our longevity, our strength define who we truly are."
  • "For the Fallen to return to what we once were, we must abandon what's left of our doubts and regrets. We must become versatile, lethal, like the sting of a viper."
  • "There is no longer any authoritative force keeping us too our old rules. Abandon what was once your morality and conformity."
  • "We were all rejects and outcasts from our old Houses. Obsolete for years, obsolete since what was once our society, our home was destroyed in the Whirlwind. But we, we have abandoned the rules that still enforce what's left of our kind. We have embraced strength and wit, which has defined us Eliksni even before our beloved Great Machine graced us with it's gifts. Our old families, our old friends, they know nothing of our strength, nothing of our cunning, nothing of our stealth, nothing of our sheer tenacity to fight back against the heretics who destroy something which has granted us our nobility and grace, against the enemies who seek to eradicate, each other and, eventually, their selves. Enemies such as our own, infighting each other and fighting against other Houses, seeing who shall reign supreme... making mistakes and breaking the tradition of us Fallen. We must correct the course of us Fallen, cut out the prideful and ignorant Houses and refine ourselves. We will obtain the Great Machine, we will return to grace, and we will smite the enemies beset against us! We will make us Fallen, Eliksni again! Long live the Jackal Syndicate!"
  • "Heart's and minds means nothing to ambition and wit."



  • Because of her self-exile from the House of Lions, was the one of the reason why, the Lions became Christians.
    • This may explains why it was easy for Joskaa and other Christian supporters to convert most of the Lions, and it also may explains why there is a limited amount of Archons in the House.
  • Seriviks design (and name) is similar to Siviks, Lost to None, however her other design (1st personally thought by Me) was supposed to be similar Taniks, the Scarred but was scraped by another idea by One of the Users and my temporary Collab

List of apperences