Harbinger's Echo is an Exotic Sparrow, obtainable as a reward upon destroying all 40 Corrupted Eggs within the Dreaming City using Wish-Ender, an Exotic Combat Bow exclusive to The Shattered Throne dungeon.
Obtaining Harbinger's Echo requires extreme patience and dedication, largely due to the difficulty of the The Shattered Throne and the time-exclusive nature of an egg's availability—with these only being found during certain strengths of the Dreaming City's Curse.
Time-exclusive Corrupted Eggs can be found and destroyed both within the Dreaming City's social space, and within Ascendant Challenges. The rest can be found within the Shattered Throne dungeon, and the Last Wish raid—but only upon imputing the Fourteenth Wish into the Wall of Wishes, causing five Eggs to spawn throughout the raid.
A single Egg that is not bound by any Curse-based restriction can be found directly to the left of the player's spawn point within the Divalian Mists; likely being the first Egg a player will encounter within the Dreaming City.