The Dawning (Rise of Iron)

Revision as of 02:01, December 24, 2019 by QuriaPedia2301 (talk | contribs) (→‎Story)

"When survivors came to the Last City, they brought with them the customs of a thousand lost nations. As we built a new community from the ashes of the old, so too did we create traditions that reflect this transformed world. During The Dawning, we light lanterns to guide the Light back to us in a time of Darkness. The fires from our candles and hearth flames remind us that no matter how black the night is, there will be a dawn."
Master Rahool
The Dawning.jpg

The Dawning was a limited time event in Destiny that ran from December 13, 2016 to January 3, 2017. It is exclusively a part of the Rise of Iron expansion pack, so it is only available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Microtransactions through the Eververse Trading Company were less onerous than previous events.[1]


The Dawning is an amalgamation of holiday traditions that refugees brought to the Last City. They include the giving of gifts and passing blessings of good luck and health in the new year. Like Festival of the Lost, The Dawning was brought to the Tower by Eva Levante, likely in an attempt to connect Guardians with the people they protect.


"This is the dawning. It is a time to honor all that humanity has built, and all that it'll create. Now, as the year turns, the City celebrates with gifts and games. And Guardians unite in the spirit of competition."
— Ghost[2]

Once the update related to this event goes live, most of these features will remain permanently in the game, except for the Sparrow Racing League Crucible event, although it will still be accessible via private matches.

New Gameplay Features
  • Auto-dismantling of green engrams will now be a gameplay option.
  • Specific Ornaments can be bought without gambling at the Eververse Trading Company.[1]
New Record Book
  • Competitive Spirit (free)[1]
    • Sparrow Racing Page
    • Vanguard Elite Page (Strike Scoring)
  • Vanguard Elite armor set (aka 24K Gold engraved armor) - Random drops from completing Weekly Vanguard Elite Bounties
    • Hunter: Exultation armor set
    • Warlock: Dying Star armor set
    • Titan: Snowglare armor set
Sparrow Racing League
  • Two new tracks
  • New Sparrows
  • New SRL Gear
    • Speeder racing armor Set—New 3-in-1 armor set that replaces the 2015 SRL Racer's, Bright Guard, and Jade Rabbit armor sets. By default the armor looks like Racer's set. The Bright Guard and Jade Rabbit looks can be unlocked using the new SRL Champion's Ornament.
    • Speeder class items—Replaces the 2015 Racer's class items, but they have Chroma slots that allow for changing the color of the hologram.
New Weapons
Vanguard Elite (Strike Scoring)
  • 2 New Bounty Types
    • Vanguard Elite Bounty
    • Weekly Elite Bounty
Revamped Strikes
New Quests
10 New Shaders
7 New Emblems
New Cosmetic Consumables

Destiny 2

In Destiny 2, the dawning is an event that consists of players baking gifts in Eva's Holiday Oven 2.0 (Formerly Eva's Holiday Oven) and delivering them to characters across the system earning rewards like the Avalanche machine gun (no longer obtainable) and the Cold Front Submachine gun.


To bake gifts in Eva's Holiday Oven 2.0 players must gather ingredients and essence of dawning. Essence of Dawning is earned by completing activities around the system and completing dawning Bounties from Eva Levante. Ingredients are earned by killing certain types of enemies and getting kills with certain elements, weapon types, and abilities.

List of ingredients and how to obtain them:

List of gifts and their recipes:





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