Forum:Skrisah, the Wise

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Skrisah, the Wise Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Skrisah, the Wise
Biographical information





Political and military information


House of Lions


Skrisah, the Wise was a Fallen Captain of the House of Lions who a most notable lieutenant to Yorvik, Kell of Lions, due to her knowledge and tactics, earning the moniker. When Yorvik died, she became a contender for the Kellship. While Tariks and Skeklos struggled for control of the Andax Servitors, Skrisah took control of the Jobkis Servitors, which were older and more common models the Lions mostly relied on. However Skeklos had used his fleet to ambushed Skrisah's fleet and destroyed it, killing Skrisah.

Joskaa, a Fallen who was in the Gray Wars attacked and killed Skeklos, who was actually a spy for Gray, which was treason to the Lions. He later became the Kell of Lions and led the House of Lions. Skrisah was never forgotten, and Joskaa and Lions honored her as a famous person and treasured her works and ideas.

Mecher Jobkis-23, one of the last Jobkis Servitors, and once belonged to Skrisah, was captured and held hostage by the House of Gray. Angered by this, Joskaa ordered a Guardian to find and rescue the Servitor. which Succeeded, saving the Servitor which saves Skrisah from being lost to history.


  • It's unknown why did, Skrisah commanded took the Jobkis Servitors, however they're could be a couple of reasons why.
    • It's possible that Skrisah wanted control over the Ether flow of the Lions, due to the fact that the Lions mostly relied the Jobkis line, back them.
    • Another reason, it's possible for her to taunt her opponents, however that theory is very unlikely, due to the fact that Tariks, Lion Baron and Skeklos, the Prowling had command over the Andax Servitors, which has authority over Jobkis Servitors.
      • Due to this, it's also possible that the Jobkis Servitors were the only option for her to command.
    • It's possible, that the reason why, she control the Jobkis is because she may had a favor for the Jobkis Servitors, as she had Mecher Jobkis-23.