
Revision as of 21:36, June 20, 2019 by (talk) (expanded information on current and former members)
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The Consensus is the ruling body of the City. Formed at the end of the Faction Wars, the Consensus is an alliance of the City's factions with the Vanguard. Only certain factions are allowed in the Consensus; the former faction Concordat were ejected when they attempted a coup against the Speaker. Others are permitted in by the Consensus's approval.[1] The Consensus allows factions to pursue their agendas through legal, civil channels. The Speaker acts as the head of the Consensus, with each faction and Vanguard order having one representative.[2]

Following the Red War and the death of the Speaker, Commander Zavala became the acting head of the Consensus while its members worked to create a system to elect a new Speaker to become the leader of the Consensus.[3]

Consensus Members

  • Dead Orbit: City Faction. Believe that the Solar System holds no future for humanity and wish to leave it. Represented by Arach Jalaal.
  • Future War Cult: City Faction. Believe that the future holds endless conflict and strive to be ready for it. Represented by Lakshmi-2.
  • New Monarchy: City Faction. Believe that the Consensus should be (peacefully) replaced by enlightened autocracy and strive to find the ideal ruler. Represented by Executor Hideo.
  • Vanguard: Guardian command authority, effectively represent the military. Sworn to defend the City and humanity in general.
    • Titan Vanguard: Represents the Titan order of Guardians. The current representative, Commander Zavala, is also Vanguard Commander (overall Guardian leader) and acting head of the Consensus after the loss of the Speaker.
      • Note: The Vanguard Commander position is independent of order, i.e., may generally be held by a Titan, Hunter or Warlock. E.g. the Vanguard Commander preceding Zavala was Osiris, a Warlock.
    • Hunter Vanguard: Represents the Hunter order of Guardians. Position most recently filled by Cayde-6 (deceased), current holder unknown (may be vacant).
    • Warlock Vanguard: Represents the Warlock order of Guardians. Current representative is Ikora Rey.

Former Members

  • Concordat: Former City Faction. Presumably represented by Lysander. Ejected for attempting to seize sole control in a coup, later disbanded. Future War Cult admitted to Consensus as replacement.
  • Speaker: Warlock Guardian (but not Vanguard member), official leader of the Consensus and de facto leader of the City. Presumed dead in the aftermath of Ghaul's occupation.
  • Assorted former Vanguard members (Consensus seat taken over by Vanguard replacements).


  1. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: Future War Cult
  2. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Factions
  3. ^ Bungie (2017/5/12), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Item Description, Peace by Consensus