Forum:The Call of Judgement

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Warlord's Ruin (Dungeon)
Expedition (Story)


Tyrant's Remnants

The Call of Judgement


Destiny 2


Episode: Revenant




Argadnel Regio, Europa

Destinypedia doesn't currently have a walkthrough for this level; could you write one?

Guided by sinister intent, the forces of Darkness venture into a long forgotten place, abandoned... but not silent.

The Call of Judgement is a Dungeon added to Episode: Heresy, where a fireteam of Guardians pursue a united contingent of the Shadow Legion and House of Salvation forces, spurred on by a force of The Dread, to the unassuming Argadnel Regio on Europa, where they find a relic of a bygone age and a new force spurring them on.


Dig Site Outskirts[edit]

Dark Architecture[edit]

The Descent[edit]

The Drills[edit]

The Crag[edit]


Baylic, the Dominant Voice[edit]

To the Roost[edit]

Approaching Judgement[edit]

Vessel of the Horned Justice[edit]


Unique Enemies[edit]




Arbiter Title[edit]

  • Judgement Answered - Complete The Call of Judgement
  • Singular Summons - Complete the Call of Judgement alone
  • An Impressive Display - Complete the Call of Judgement without anyone on your fireteam leaving
  • Exemplar of Worthiness - Complete The Call of Judgement alone without leaving the activity
  • Incendiary Rhetoric - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running a Solar subclass
  • Galvanizing Statements - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running with an Arc subclass
  • Annulled Guilt - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running with a Void subclass
  • Walking the Line - Complete all encounters with with everyone in your fireteam running a Prismatic subclass
  • Singular Purpose - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running the same class
  • Fierce Opposition - Complete The Call of Judgement on Master difficulty
  • Keen Eyes - Find both secret chests in The Call of Judgement


  • Like I Was Never Here - Enter the Dig Site without being spotted once.
  • Accused Together - Complete all encounters with a fireteam consisting of your Clanmates
  • Frozen Case - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running a Stasis subclass
  • Stretched Connections - Complete all encounters with everyone in your fireteam running a Strand subclass
  • Blade from the Shadows - Acquire the Exotic Weapon, In Shadow Cast
  • Something Wicked this Way Comes - Defeat Namyksis, Chosen of the Executioner


  • Dominator's Conviction - Titan Armor
  • Samaritan's Conviction - Hunter Armor
  • Investigator's Conviction - Warlock Armor

Other Rewards[edit]

