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The following is a list of Guardian entries for the Grimoire:
- "Legends are carved into history by the brave."
- — Card blurb
Guardians are warriors forged in the Traveler's Light, a final hope in a universe that is slowly falling into darkness.
Chosen from the dead by the Traveler's Ghosts, Guardians are those rare few able to wield the Light as a weapon. For centuries they have defended the City. But that defense cannot hold forever.
Now, with the Darkness rising again, the time has come to retake our lost worlds. The Guardians who lead the way will save humanity - and become legend.
Class: Hunter
- "Our old worlds have grown feral—rabid beasts with teeth of rust and ruin. But such beasts are meant to be tamed. Or broken."
- — Card blurb
Hunters stalk the wilderness beyond the City, harnessing the Light to reclaim the secrets of our lost worlds. They are daring scouts and stealthy killers, expert with knives and precision weapons. Hunters blaze their own trails and write their own laws.
Ghost Fragment: Hunter
Class: Titan
- "Stand. Not only to fight, but to strive. For honor. For hope. We bleed, we die, we defend."
- — Card blurb
Titans are warriors—heroic defenders of the Light, channeling the gifts of the Traveler to wage war on the Darkness. Steadfast and sure, Titans face any challenge head-on, serving as living, blunt force instruments of the Traveler’s will.
Ghost Fragment: Titan
Class: Warlock
- "We have found new ways to weaponize curiosity. Pathways into the darkness."
- — Card blurb
Warrior-scholars of the Light, Warlocks devote themselves to understanding the Traveler and its power. A Warlock mind is an arsenal of deadly secrets, balanced between godhood and madness. On the battlefield, those secrets can shatter reality itself.
Ghost Fragment: Warlock
- "The others sing this song of Light and Dark. We, together, have transcended such unimaginative limitations."
- — Card blurb
It is said the Awoken were born in the Collapse, descended from those who tried to flee its wrath. Something happened to them out on the edge of the deep Black, and they were forever changed. Today many Awoken live in the distant reef aloof and mysterious, but others returned to Earth, where their descendants now fight for the City. Earthborn Awoken sometimes venture out to the Reef, hoping to learn its secrets - but find no special welcome from the reclusive Queen.
Ghost Fragment: Awoken
Reports from a derelict vessel boarded in the first known voyage to the Reef
Eleven hundred meter length. Active gravity generation. Residual heat. Fast neutron scatter. Designation code: CORRUPTED Date of commissioning: Unknown Origin point: Unknown
Presumed to have collided/merged with one-kilometer comet: assessment based on depth of hydrocarbon crust covering the hull, water content of soil, atmosphere of oxygen and carbon dioxide with isotopic ratios placing the comet in the Oort population.
Low-light foliage grown from terrestrial stocks, mirrors focusing starlight into growth chambers...resident fauna...five insect species, plus rats descended from uncertain ancestors.
Surface heavily wooded until recently, unknown event triggering firestorm...seventy percent of world forest consumed, atmosphere laced with smoke and oxygen in short supply.
No distress calls noted. No evidence of crew or passengers on exterior.
Interior scans inconclusive.
Cleared to attempt approach.
Ghost Fragment: Awoken 2
I was nothingness. If I existed before, I existed as possibility, as potential, stretched thin across the aether. And maybe there was a body that looked like my body, complete with a soul that could be confused for someone rather like me. What I am now was not yet real. And then I was born, and the universe was free to begin.
Others were present at my birth.
A great ceremony had just begun. Because newborns are selfish beasts, I assumed I was the object of attention.
I didn't notice the singing until the singers fell silent. And then She appeared.
She was above me. Ethereal and handsome and elegant. I assumed my face was like her face and that odd idea gave me strength enough to smile.
"Secrets," she said. "Creation is built on secrets and the encryptions that keep those secrets safe."
I made my first sound. It meant nothing but she understood it as a question.
"We are a beautiful creation," she said. "And we must keep ourselves very safe."
- "Ask yourself: what threatened your Golden Age ancestors so much that they constructed the Exos to defend themselves?"
- — Card blurb
Built for a long forgotten war, the Exos are self-aware war machines so advanced that nothing short of a Ghost can understand their inner functions. They remain ciphers, even to themselves: their origins and purposes lost to time.
Whoever built the Exos fashioned them in humanity's image, gifting them with diversity of mind and body. Many of the City's Exo citizens live and work alongside their organic brethren. But others fight again, re-forged in the Light of the Traveler to serve as Guardians.
Ghost Fragment: Exo
- which in the end is just a matter of substrate chauvinism. It doesn't matter if the system thinks with flesh or superconductor or topological braids in doped metallic hydrogen, as long as the logic is the same. And our logic is the same. Yours and mine.
If I am a machine then so are you. If you are not a machine then neither am I. Exo minds are human. It is incontrovertible.
You understand? I'm going to take that slack-jawed stare as understanding.
Now here's the real question. Why are Exo minds human? What's the design imperative? Why does a war machine - yes, absolutely, I am a war machine, built by human hands; and you are a survival machine built by the engine of evolution. Don't interrupt me.
Why does a war machine have emotions? Why should a war machine have awareness? These are not useful traits on the battlefield. Don't flatter yourself. They are not useful. So why should the Exo mind mimic the human architecture so closely?
You know what I smell on you? I smell the stink of anthropocentrism. I think you think that there's only one way to think. That's why the Exo mind is so human, you presume. Because all higher thought converges.
My friend, you should meet the Vex. There is nothing human in them.
Now. This is what I believe happened, back in the time before any Exo can remember. It explains everything.
I think someone wanted to live forever.
Ghost Fragment: Exo 2
Hi. Thanks for your interest. I'm recording this for posterity.
Warlock thanatonauts die and come back with insight. I'm going to attempt the same process to get at buried memories. Specifically, I'm going to fire a charged particle beam into my head and see what comes out. We Exos have been around a very long time. I want to know what's in there.
My Ghost is standing by to repair me.
Okay. Three two one
STAG echo six SWORD sierra nine SERPENT
We are falling into the world. Everyone is on fire. There's a ship above us but it's coming apart just like a flower, alloy and fusion flash, pierced through and through -
The voice says Atmospheric interface. Trajectory nominal. Rabid two three you are outside the window. (I think I am the voice)
I can see the whole earth below me and the sky we are falling out of is black without stars.
Ghost, shoot me again.
RAPID four RAMPART four RATCHET tango eight zero
We are on the ice. This is elsewhere and elsewhen. There is a mighty aurora and it is reflected in the ice so I walk between two fires although the one below is cracked and full of corpses. I have and am a weapon.
Up in the sky there is a hole in Jupiter and it tears at me when I look at it. It tears at me. It is hungry. Maybe the hole is not in Jupiter but in me.
CROWN castle candor cobalt coral
Ghost bring me back.
serrate sulfur ANATHEMA amber actual aspen
Ghost bring me back now.
- "This was our world, our solar system. We were here first. And no matter what the darkness brings, we will be here at the dawn."
- — Card blurb
Humans are survivors, tough and resilient, descended from those who built a Golden Age only to see it ripped away. Now, after an age of retreat and desperate struggle, they fight to take back their solar system and claim a new future. There are those who believe the Traveler chose Earth for a reason. Now it is humanity's obligation to prove itself worthy of the Traveler's faith.
Ghost Fragment: Human
From the diaries of Commander Jacob Hardy, pilot, Ares One
The mission is a go. Crew of three: Mihaylova, Qiao, myself. Immediate departure at the next Hohmann window to Mars. The MREs and return ships will chase us out.
How do I feel? I said at the press conference I felt privileged. Historians will read this diary, but it won't take their insight to tell the world that I'm terrified. It's the human reaction.
What I wish I could convey is the - the exhilaration. That's the biggest thing. I'm not a spiritual man, but I've always believed there's something transcendent about spaceflight. Something pure. We go out there because we can. Because it's who we are.
Now we go because we have to. Because the unknown came to us. In fourteen months we'll be face to face with it, and by the time we arrive, it should be active again - just like it was active on Jupiter, and Mercury, and Venus.
I wonder what happens if it doesn't stop at Mars. I wonder if it'll leave us there in the sand, and come to Earth, and do here what it's done everywhere else.
I hate that we're carrying weapons. I understand the necessity. But I hold to my belief: there's something beautiful out there.
It's up to us to reach it.
Ghost Fragment: Human 2
From the diaries of Commander Jacob Hardy, pilot, Ares One
Everybody asks about the words.
The truth is I'm not much of a poet. Ares One didn't leave us with bandwidth for anything except blunt competence. We came in perilously hot, trying to select a landing site through the chaos of thickening atmosphere and turbulence that bloomed off the target. A twenty minute round-trip lightspeed delay to Earth meant we could only count on ourselves.
When the number three engine went diagnostic during the second course correction, I thought we might go catastrophic.
But Qiao brought us in. Mihaylova brought us in. I just flew the ship.
The Ares One excursion vehicle was built for thin winds and icy dust. We came down into a storm: the breath of God, a ripple of change rolling down off the artifact. We aborted on three sites and finally I took us into powered hover and brought us down on reflexes and instinct.
Then we ran the checklists, suited up, and left the vehicle.
There was a script, and it's true, I botched it. I got my boots down and I made the most famous gaffe in human history. Said the first thing that came to mind: a warning to the others.
"We're walking into a rising wind."
I didn't mean to say anything immortal. I just thought it'd be useful to know.
Ghost Fragment: Human 3
From the diaries of Commander Jacob Hardy, pilot, Ares One
The hike from Ares One.
You've watched it. Everything was recorded. I think you can get it in full immersion, now, and fly around like a hummingbird. I'll add what I can.
The route was planned. We all went together - the CEV and Ares One itself had enough automation to go home alone in the event of crew loss. Whatever we'd find at the artifact, it needed the human element.
We carried rifles. They made us heavier and slower and probably less safe. I think the argument about the rifles can be left for another time. What's important is -
It turned out well. Look at me. Look at us! You're talking to a ninety-year-old man. A ninety-year-old who's never been sharper. I'm miles ahead of every cognitive benchmark.
What's happened to me is good. What's happened to all of us is good. When we crested that rise and made visual contact with the artifact I don't think any one of us dared dream that it would end this well.
We went to Mars at the cutting edge of human civilization. And it wasn't our weapons that won the day.
It was our ship. Our training. Our camaraderie. Our belief that if we just reached out to the universe, not to grasp for profit or security but with an open hand, we would be elevated.
We were right. That makes me so happy. To this day.
Ghost Fragment: Human 4
From the diaries of Commander Jacob Hardy, pilot, Ares One
Three human beings stood on a high ridge and saw the shape of the future. Saw rain strike a millennia-old desert. Felt the air sweeten with oxygen and warm water and the beginnings of life.
I am sometimes asked if I felt something die. The end of the era of human self-sufficiency.
I don't know how to answer that question. I do know that I was changed. Nobody could experience that kind of wonder and remain unchanged. The decades since have proven that to me.
I knew I'd never fly another mission like that. I recognized the need for a new love. That's why I threw my fresh cognitive skills into understanding the Traveler. How can one entity so quickly and utterly remake an entire world? Fifty years later, I'm conversant in high mathematics, particularly topological thoughts and the slippery irreality of Light. I'm involved in a project to study the Traveler's terraforming actions right now.
But I still enjoy the interviews. I like going back to that mission.
It makes me unspeakably happy to see how well it all turned out. And it makes me happy to remember I was there.
- "In its dying breath, the Traveler created the Ghosts… To seek out those who can wield its Light as a weapon. Guardians, to protect us, and do what the Traveler itself no longer can."
- — The Speaker
Built from machinery and the Traveler's Light, Ghosts guide their Guardian companions in the quest to reclaim our solar system.
Every Ghost seeks out its Guardian among the ancient dead. The Ghost serves as scout, librarian, and mechanic, waking ancient machinery and cracking alien codes. In the right situations, a Ghost can even save a Guardian from death.
But Ghosts are not immortal. Every loss is irreplaceable.
Dead Ghosts
Battered and drained of their Light, these Ghosts are nevertheless valuable for the information they preserve. Their recovered memories may well prove vital to the City's survival.
The problem of dead Ghosts troubles the City's scholars. Are new Ghosts still being born? Or is the number of Ghosts dwindling? Will there come a day when no more remain - an end to the rise of new Guardians?
If that day is coming, then the City faces a desperate race against time to heal the Traveler before attrition takes its toll.
Ghost Fragment: Ghosts
It is a place, a place casting shadows and emotion.
It's a real place, I know.
One hot blue sun, say. And other suns too. Five? I like seven better. What I'm recalling is a giant star with a family of six smaller suns, and you could spend days and nights counting all of the planets circling those suns...except there are no planets. Not anymore. The powers in charge have carved up all of the worlds, and maybe a brown dwarf or two for good measure. With that rubble, they fashioned a topologically creative enclosure, a twisting of space and time sealed behind doors that admit only those who know the magic words. The bones of a hundred planets have been cut smooth and laid out like a floor, a polished and lovely floor creating vast living spaces. A floor bigger than ten thousand worlds, catching the fierce glory of the seven suns. For light, for food. For beauty. And nothing escapes. Not heat, not gravity. Not even the faintest proud sound.
It could be anywhere. It can live in the cold between galaxies, or folded up inside matter, near enough to touch right now...
I remember it and maybe it's exactly as I describe it. Seven suns wrapped inside magic. Or it's something else entirely, perhaps. A place still fat with life. An abundance of sentient souls, some decent, maybe a few of lesser quality, and everybody stands about or floats about, or they bounce between dimensions. The point is that the residents of this hidden realm live inside a bottle so perfectly hidden that they can't see beyond their own borders. Which shapes a mind in very specific ways.
But, Beyond is their name for a mysterious, doubtful realm that they can't see.
Which is us, of course.
Ghost Fragment: Abilities
- "Beautiful lethality, relentless style."
- — Card blurb
There's something to be said for the blade. A knife won't jam. A knife won't run dry. A knife is very, very quiet.
Leave the noise and fire to others. There's work to be done, out there in the dark - monsters that deserve death, delivered quickly, sometimes silently, and without mercy.
- "Those who have stared into the Void are not bound by the laws of space and time."
- — Card blurb
The Traveler came out of the void that surrounds all things. Thus we know that the void is full of power. Thus we enter the void without fear.
Small minds will call your abilities blasphemous. They will compare you to the abominable Wizards of the Hive.
But you will not be held back. Gifted with the Traveler's Light, armed with the secret physics of a lost age, you will tear reality asunder.
You fear nothing, and nothing will not fear you.
- "There are flames that even the Darkness cannot extinguish."
- — Card blurb
These are dark times. Humanity stands on the brink of extinction. We will carry fire into that darkness - a beacon to guide the way, and a pyre to consume our great enemy.
The Light saved us from death and forged us into weapons. We seek to understand it, to embrace it, to consume and be consumed by it. We hope to become radiant.
Our fellow Guardians need our power. Our civilization needs our strength.
Melee Abilities
- "The clenched fist of a Titan is a hammer capable of reshaping our lost worlds."
- — Card blurb
The raw, brute strength of a Titan's melee offers a full-force response to immediate danger —- perfect for quick strikes when overrun or when taking the fight directly to the enemy.
- "A Hunter's survival comes down to two essential ingredients: skill and preparation."
- — Card blurb
With their finely tuned reflexes, Hunters are naturally gifted with knives. In the right situation, a sharpened blade can make quick work of any enemy.
- "The Warlocks have long-mastered the forces surrounding the Light..."
- — Card blurb
A Warlock's curiosity can often lead to interesting predicaments. To aid in their survival beyond, the Orders learned to harness the physical world into quick, focused bursts with deadly intent.
Grenade Abilities
Flashbang Grenade
Pulse Grenade
Lightning Grenade
Magnetic Grenade
Spike Grenade
Suppressor Grenade
Skip Grenade
Arcbolt Grenade
Flux Grenade
Incendiary Grenade
Tripmine Grenade
Swarm Grenade
Solar Grenade
Firebolt Grenade
Fusion Grenade
Vortex Grenade
Scatter Grenade
Axion Bolt
Movement Modes
Double Jump
Bend momentum to jump again in mid-air. Leap to even greater heights, or make a quick adjustment while airborne to disorient your foes.
Break the bonds of gravity and convert your jump into a long, smooth glide. Cross dangerous terrain and float from perch to perch to keep the high ground.
Leap into a powered jump. The long, slow arc makes you a target, but used carefully, it's a superb way to break contact, gain control of the high ground, or set up devastating ambushes.
Rip a hole in space and leap from point to point. Master the Blink, and you will be a fearsome killer - a spectral force, hard to evade and impossible to pin down. But beware: the technique takes time to recharge.
Super Abilities
Fist of Havoc
Ward of Dawn
Golden Gun
Arc Blade
Nova Bomb
The phrase "pathways into the darkness" may be a reference to Pathways into Darkness, an early FPS created by Bungie.