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Behemoths | |
The Behemoths are the highest ranked Cabal military detachment. They are a subunit of the Stone Breakers that have expanded to include remnant soldiers of the Red Legion, effectively merging the two to form an extremely dangerous military force.
After the death of Dominus Ghaul, the Red Legion have been withering in the face of Guardian forces. They have since resorted to making more weapons under the work of Bracus Zahn, an ironmonger equipped with multiple firearms. He engaged the Guardians in Firebase Airfield but was defeated by another team of Guardians.
With no remaining options, they have called for fresh reinforcements from the Stone Breakers. The request came through to Primus Tho'urgh, who willfully sent his forces in to assist in fortifying Red Legion defensives, as well as an attack on newly found territory. Those who attacked were tasked with finding resources that could help with further increasing defenses for Red Legion Firebases. As defenses increased, opposing forces were driven back. Primus Tho'urgh, alongside his companion Primus Ko'rok and his army of Stone Breakers, then personally took the fight to the Guardians personally. Tho'urgh had selected a few of his most trusted soldiers to be his elite guard, one of whom was his son, Khraghul. The Guardians fought back against the Cabal invasion, and eventually slew Ko'rok and Tho'urgh.
However, Khraghul survived amongst all the rubble and became a well-known war veteran. He claimed that he would continue his father's conquest, and stood up to take up the role of the new leader of both the Stone Breakers and the Red Legion, eventually merging the two into a subunit that became the highest-ranked Cabal force known: the Behemoths. His innumerable kill count during the battle against the Guardians made him a prime candidate for earning the rank of Dominus, rendering him an elite Cabal warlord. He sent his crews to aggressively attack vital enemy strongholds and sap them of their morale and power. In doing so, he claimed remnants of SIVA from the Dusk Splicers, drew untold dark power from Hive relics, cracked open Vex artifacts to understand time, and mangled with Taken powers to unlock new abilities. With these new powers, he has successfully desecrated and ruined several environments in his wake, rendering them almost completely inhabitable. However, Khraghul has yet to take the fight to the Guardians personally.
Unique Forces
As a result of being a part of the Behemoths, soldiers always have the prefix "Hardened", although stronger variants of these enemies use the prefix "Adamant". Each individual soldier specializes in using claimed enemy weapons/abilities from either of the four other enemy races.
Red Legion
- Hardened Scorpius: Infused with SIVA Turret parts to increase fire rate, accuracy, and damage over time. Can occasionally launch Solar missiles.
- Hardened Volcanic Scorpius: Now shoots fire in a cone instead of in rapid fire streams. Has close range explosive defense mines. Leaves behind a SIVA Swarm when destroyed.
- Hardened War Beast: Has SIVA branded into its body. Leaves behind a damaging SIVA trail when running, and can charge up for a headbutt attack that will cause significant damage and knockback. Claws deal less damage, but swipe more rapidly.
- Hardened Psion: Armed with Void Induction Repeaters that charge up and repeatedly fire high-damage sniper bolts at a constant rate of 150 RPM. Can launch a Solar Psionic Blast using a Hive relic on its head that leaves behind a Volcanic Rupture that launches Guardians upward, deals high blast damage, ignites them. Can use a short-range Arc melee attack that blinds Guardians upon contact and removes a portion of their ability charge with every successful hit.
- Hardened Legionary: Armed with a Solar Burst Rifle that fires slugs in 3-round bursts. Has a gauntlet that fires live SIVA Charges which detonate on impact and Null Mines that detonate in sphere of Void energy which inflicts a temporary blackout effect; also comes with a retractable Shock Blade that shocks and blinds its targets.
- Hardened Phalanx: Armed with a handheld full-auto Arc Slug Spigot and equipped with a portable shield reinforced with Vex parts. Can unleash a Void shield blast in a cone at close range that slows Guardians in its range as well as a shield lunge that will cause significant knockback and the "Disoriented" debuff, which heavily impairs the victim's vision for a short time. Can expand its shield to create a wall of Solar energy that rapidly burns its targets to death.
- Hardened Incendior: Armed a Cabal Magma Launcher that fires in a cone instead of in constant streams, has a compression blast with stronger knockback force, and an underbarrel burst-fire Arc Shredder that causes a shocking effect if a full burst hits its target. Can throw Void grenades of toxic Hive gas that release poison clouds upon detonation. Its fuel tank no longer explodes when it dies, but still takes critical damage.
- Hardened Gladiator: Armed with an arm-mounted superheated Solar Cabal Greatblade that inflicts a burning and sundering effect on its victims and equipped with a lightweight shield with a Taken drill on its front, which it can use to unleash a Void drill attack that can pin Guardians to walls and deal rapid damage over time. Can throw Arc flashbang grenades.
- Hardened Centurion: Outfitted with a Void energy shield. Armed with an Arc Projection Swarmer that fires miniature seeker rockets in a 5-round burst that blind their targets upon detonation; comes with a Void Vex Laser Rifle mode that fires a constant stream of energy that reverses ability recharge rate as long as it is attached to its target, and the beam latches onto and slows the target at close range. Can unsheathe a superheated Solar Cabal Greatblade that functions identically to the Gladiator’s blade.
- Hardened Colossus: Armed with a Void Slug Bomber that rapidly fires live explosives at a constant rate of 360 RPM; explosives detonate on impact and release miniature singularities that pull Guardians in its radius, causing rapid damage over time for its duration. Can rapidly launch Taken Scramble Missiles when attacked; missiles explode in Solar energy, burning any targets in its blast radius. Can unleash an Arc Quake at close range, leaving behind an electric pulsing maelstrom that damages anything in its wake.
Stone Breakers
- Hardened Pulsar: An elite Psion unit that unleashes psychic rays towards nearby Cabal troops to grant them with elemental shielding and send them into a berserker rage, charging down any Guardians in close range before unleashing a high-damage melee attack. Armed with Void Burst Inductors that charge up and rapidly fire high-damaging sniper bolts in a 10-round burst. Should a full burst hit its target, it will be an instant kill. Armed with a SIVA-powered dagger that can switch between Scorch and Shock modes: Scorch mode inflicts a burning effect and Shock mode inflicts a shocking effect.
- Hardened Lightning Psion: An aerial Psion unit with angel-like wings for rapid flight. Equipped with Solar Lasrifles that automatically fire enhanced slugs at a rate of 300 RPM. Can throw Taken Void Rift Grenades that release a domed Taken Blight upon detonation, which will damage anyone that steps inside as well as inflict the “Shadow Touched” debuff. Bringing the Psion on low enough health will cause it to fall from the air and perform a suicide bomb that unleashes a torrent of Arc energy that blinds and paralyzes anyone in its radius.
- Hardened Ballistarius: Armed with dual Arc Slug Spigots for upgraded firepower each attached with underbarrel canisters that launch Hive grenades that release a Void energy dome upon detonation, which will slow and sunder anyone stuck inside. Plants down both variants of Scorpius turrets but shields them in a dome of superheated Solar energy that will burn anyone inside. This dome must be shot away to be able to damage the turret. The shield dome will regenerate after 20 seconds if no damage is dealt to it. Can only plant one turret at a time.
- Hardened Flamer: Armed with a Napalm Launcher that fires balls of pure Solar energy which create large pools of fire upon contact. Equipped with a reinforced napalm canister that does not take extra damage and does not explode; canister is plugged into the barrel of the launcher. When the canister is fully charged, it will trigger a Void Vex Torch Repeater fire mode, repeatedly bombarding the position of any Guardians on the field. Equipped with an Arc energy gauntlet that can charge up to release a powerful punch that will blind, shock, and knock back anyone within its range.
- Hardened Lancer: Armed with a Cabal Buzzsaw Lance and equipped with a reinforced Vex bronze shield. Its shield bash unleashes an Arc blast that paralyzes anyone within its radius, while its lance charges up before releasing a flurry of Solar melee attacks that create fire domes in midair. Can use its lance to create a Void shield dome around itself. Shooting the dome slows Guardians down; the only way to shut down the shield is to enter it and shoot the Lancer to stagger it.
- Hardened Marauder Lancer: Equipped with a SIVA overshield and outfitted with booster wings. Can charge up its boosters to perform a high-damaging shield bash that leaves behind a SIVA Swarm trail as well as a nanite cloud upon contact. Armed with an Arc Projection Swarmer that functions identically to the Centurion’s, but is also outfitted with a Null Blade attachment for close combat, poisoning its target with each hit.
- Hardened Hypaspist: Outfitted with an Arc elemental shield and equipped with a Cabal Overshield that fully protects its from the front. Armed with a handheld Cabal Gatling Inductor that charges up and automatically fires Solar sniper bolts at 360 RPM; comes attached with an underbarrel warhead launcher that fires Hive Void missiles which track their targets, which poison and suppress their targets upon detonation and creates a giant energy dome that inflicts these effects as well as slowness and damage over time; can use an attached Arc-charged greatblade that blind, shock, and paralyze its targets.
- Hardened Gunnery Sergeant: Commands nearby Ballistarius units by deciding turret placements and is capable of operating heavy artillery on Goliath Tanks. Outfitted with a Solar elemental shield. Armed with dual Projection Swarmers. Can throw live Void Vex Spire Grenades that create a rift that pulls Guardians towards it and teleports them either to a random location or up in the air. Can unleash a Solar quake at close range which leaves behind a pool of fire that ignites and sunders its target.
- Hardened Thunderbolt Colossus: An aerial Colossus unit equipped with a rocket booster with attached guiding wings. Armed with twin Ultra Slug Throwers that continuously fire Solar slugs at 1000 RPM. Has a Taken-enhanced Phaser Cannon that charges up and fires a gigantic Void beam that instantly kills anyone it comes across and creates a giant blight upon detonation; the blight damages anything that steps in it and inflicts the “Shadow Touched” debuff as well. Can fire Arc Cluster Missiles that track their targets and blind them upon detonation.
- Hardened Draconarius: Armed with a shoulder-mounted Blitz Slug Bomber that automatically fires clusters of Arc super slugs at a rate of 600 RPM; each cluster has 4 super slugs, meaning that 3 clusters will sufficiently kill Guardians at any armor level. Its standard now carries the Behemoth insignia and has been enhanced to charge up and release a long stream of SIVA that attaches nanites to any Guardians that cross it, leaving them with a SIVA Swarm effect that they can spread to other Guardians via trail; the beam also leaves SIVA clouds upon contact with a surface. At close range, its left arm will charge up with Void energy and eventually smash the ground, sending Guardians flying upward and suppressing them of their abilities.