Destinypedia:Discord server/Rules

From Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki

Operators use their discretion when applying these rules, and understanding of the rules depends on operator conception of the rules, and particular exceptions may be granted by specific operator approval. These rules and regulations, however, should be followed strictly by users. Any breach of these rules and regulations may lead to punishment by an operator.

Upon accessing the server, it is expected that all users have reviewed the rules and understand the consequences for breaking them.


Users are required to use their wiki username (or some form of it) on the server. Any user attempting to impersonate another will be immediately kicked and if they continue, will be subsequently banned.


  1. Personal attacks are not permitted.
  2. Harassment and/or sexual harassment is not permitted.
  3. Profanity is allowed, so long as it is not excessive nor directed at any user.
  4. Talking about harming any living thing is not permitted.
  5. Sexual content, such as pornography, innuendos, and etc. are not permitted at all.
  6. Talking about illegal activities, thoughts, or possessions, including but not limited to illegal drugs, etc...
  7. Violation of personal privacy is not permitted. This includes revealing personal information about users (e.g. real name, location, age, gender, etc) and violating confidentiality on particular issues (such as issues asked to be kept confidential by other users or administrators).
  8. Linking to external sources, such as websites, which violate the aforementioned rules, is also not permitted. Notably, publicly linking to websites such as Facebook or MySpace that violate personal privacy, is not permitted without prior consent from the user whose privacy will be violated.
  9. Invites to other servers are not allowed under any circumstance with the exception of invites to our sister wiki Halopedia.
  10. Clan recruitment; users seeking additional team-mates may not use the server as a clan recruitment center as is dictated in What Destinypedia is not.
  11. Trolling or general irritation or disruption of other users is not permitted. This often includes, but is not limited to; excessive usage of capital letters, punctuation marks, and deliberate or in-deliberate distortions of the English language (such as "133t speak").
  12. Spamming is considered the posting of unneeded, repetitive, or meaningless links, images, comments, or anything else. Spam may take up one or more lines; it is at the discretion of the Moderator or Administrator to deem what is spam.
  13. Language - Individuals are expected to use English while talking on the channel. Any other language being used is not permitted.
  14. Controversial statements and/or discussions are not permitted, said statements and discussions including but not limited to, politics, religion, etc.
  15. Discord =/= wiki: An individual's actions on the wiki do not affect the individuals rights/status in the channel, and vice versa.

Operators have a wide discretion relating to the issuing of warnings and bans which infringe on this rule. The content of messages will greatly impact on the severity of the punishment. In certain particular cases, exceptions may be permitted, although these are infrequent.

Topics of discussion

Destinypedia:Discord Channel/Channels

Controversial topics are not to be discussed on Destinypedia. The definition of a controversial topic is up to the discretion of an operator, but this generally involves topics that would stir consternation amongst the users currently in the channel and/or the Destinypedia community. Controversial topics include politics, religion, etc. Users bringing up controversial topics will often be given a courtesy warning by an operator, but persistent bringing-up or a refusal of the warning (if given), may lead to a kick or ban.

Roleplaying on the channel is allowed, so long as it does not become excessive and is stopped when requested.

Whenever one brings up a topic, it may be best to consult an moderator regarding the acceptability of a topic, or if one is not present or unresponsive, to wait until the they respond.


The only bots allowed on the channel will be those controlled or approved by administrators. Any unapproved bot on the channel will be immediately banned and depending on the circumstance, the user may be punished.


Typically, the following hierarchy will apply to infringements on the above regulations (with the exception of specifically implied consequences).

  • First offense: Warning
  • Second offense: Kick
  • Third offense: One day ban

Further offenses will result in an extended ban, at the discretion of the op administering the ban.