Forum:Ma'riah Car'y, Hive Witch (Joke Boss)

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Ma'riah Car'y, Hive Witch (Joke Boss) Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Ma'riah Car'y, Hive Witch
Grimoire Ir Yut.jpg
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Songbird Supreme
Queen of Christmas
Artist of the Decade (1990s)
Best Selling Female Pop Artist of the Millennium
Hunger Ambassador of the World Hunger Relief Movement
Screaming bitch of pain
The High-Pitch Bitch
Harmonious Songstress (Shin'ra, the Sorrow-Maker)







Political and military information


Queen of Christmas

Notable info:

Mother of the Hive Gods


— Every single Guardian who has listened to her best-selling Christmas songs

Ma'riah Car'y is an ancient Hive Wizard rumored to be the long estranged mother of the three Hive Gods. Most sources agree She was kicked out of the Court of Oryx after one of Her songs caused the Worm god Akka to consume itself in a vain effort to escape the earworm. According to Savathûn, however, Oryx allowed this to happen in order to take the credit and assume the mantle of Taken King; meanwhile Xivu Arath's only comment is "mother's music sucks, but dang, it gets the job done of furthering the Song Logic".

After all of Her kids were easily killed by silly Guardians, Ma'riah Car'y personally emerged out of the depths of the Ascendant plane to challenge their strongest warrior to a battle of wills, and to prove to the Black Fleet that She, and not anyone else, is most worthy of destroying the Traveler (again, most sources claim the real reason for its running from the Hive is to escape Her songs, but, c'mon, it's the Hive).
