UserWiki:Dante the Ghost

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Dante the Ghost

Greetings! My name is Dante, I am a Ghost but with no Guardian. Why does that surprise you? Well, as you very well know, Guardians, citizens, we Ghosts spend years searching the solar system for warriors worthy to wield the Light to defend humanity and the Traveler from the Darkness. Some of us never find our Guardians; a few decide to chose Guardians from the living rather than the dead. I am neither one.

No, I am alone. But to fill the lonely days I have taken to helping the Vanguard with organizing their archives, utilizing my memory storage to clear away clutter and/or update outdated information. Many such Ghosts who don't find a Guardian often lend their aid to the Vanguard. Did I ever tell you Cayde is as disorganized as a Reaver Dreg? His library is a mess! knives and engrams everywhere! Master Rahool was so very disappointed in him. So was Ikora. Well, she too is disorganized, but that is another story.

Anyhow, my ramblings aside, I am here to serve the City in whatever capacity I can. One day, I'll find my Guardian, but until then I better make myself useful. I just hope to the Traveler I never have to go to Mars…


I'll spare you what others have said about Ghosts and tell you straight up. We have a uniform design and shape, as we're born of the Traveller itself, but several of us can be of any size from ping pong ball to baseball. I don't know of any Ghosts that are Servitor size, but should we happen to get a Eliskni Guardian—ha! imagine that!—that will unfortunately remain in obscurity.

My basic form is a "baseball", but don't get any ideas. I may delight in describing myself in such lowly terms but I will not be used in games. Now, what was I saying… oh yes. Like all other Ghosts I have a shell, except mine is what is called a "Mythological shell". This is courtesy of a Guardian who braved the Vault of Glass and managed to get the Gorgons' designs locked into his head. I know of quite a few Ghosts who look like mini-Gorgons. Nearly gave Master Rahool a heart-attack one night, but that is another story for another time.

Now, basic description is as follows:

  • Shell-color: Vex Templar colors, obviously.
  • Shell-material: My original shell was composed of the Traveller; the Vanguard still has it when I chose this one. My Mythological shell is made up of a mixture of Vex metals and Relic iron. Fancy, no?
  • Shell-pieces: Again, the original had eight pyramidal sections. My new one has three very large, irregularly shaped Harpy "wings".
  • Guardian: Don't have one, yet.

Personal Preference

  • Where to be found?: Vanguard Archives, of course. Level A.R. 24/6, sublevel 078. That is roughly halfway down the Tower, and in the East Wing. Warlocks make for great company I'll add.
  • Favorite places?: Earth. Such a fascinating place. Once full of culture and beauty and art. I can see why the Traveller chose it. So much potential, now dormant. Oh, and I suppose Venus. Lovely place. Just watch out for Vex, Fallen, and Taken. I hear the Cabal are planning on going there…
  • Favorite Tower resident?: Why, it is Master Rahool, of course! I just love being next to him whenever a Guardian comes back with an Engram. Treasure troves of knowledge and history and technology! So much lore to be found! (Although… rumours have been going around that I've chosen him as a Guardian, but I assure you I have done no such thing. Please don't spread them.)
  • Least favorite Tower resident?: Don't go spreading this around, but… I think Eris Morn's crazy…

Well, I suppose that's it then. Got to go.