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Hack the Planet | |
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1 - 3 |
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+90 |
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- "Ghost has a plan to interface with the Nessus core. But he'll need Failsafe's help"
- — In game description
Hack the Planet is an Adventure on Nessus. It is unlocked in tandem with all other Nessus adventures after completion of the mission Six. It is narratively related to the adventure Deep Conversation, and Release.
During the course of Hack the Planet, Ghost has the idea of using Failsafe's computational firepower to hack into the cybernetic core of Nessus and steal as much information as possible from the Vex Network. This plan backfires however when a Network Mind arrives on the scene to capture Failsafe and prevent her from robbing the Vex. Failsafe is captured and imprisoned by the Vex while the Guardian and Ghost work out a way to rescue her, which they ultimately do, though due to differences in relative time inside and outside the Vex Network, what to the player was only a few minutes captivity, to Failsafe was a decade behind virtual bars. This traumatic experience may be why Failsafe is so insistent during a narratively later adventure, Release, that imprisonment by the Vex is not a fate she would wish on anyone, and that it is better to die than be held by the Vex. During this decade long imprisonment, Failsafe manages to converse with another "fellow prisoner" of the Vex, whose identity is not known but who may be Osiris, this could explain why Osiris is aware of our events during Deep Conversation. The Vex authentication manufactured by Failsafe and given to Ghost during that mission could also be the product of Failsafe's decade long imprisonment and subsequent familiarisation with Vex technology protocols.
- Connect Failsafe
- Plant Beacons
- [0-3] of 3
- Help Ghost plant beacons so that Failsafe can connect to the Nessus core
- Plant Beacons
- Unlock Nessus Core
- Have Ghost open the Nessus Core so Failsafe can hack into the planet
- Connect Failsafe to Nessus
- Help Failsafe interface with the Nessus core
- Stabilize Conflux
- Stabilize the Conflux and Destroy Data Cubes
- [0-5] of 5
- Help Failsafe hack the Vex by stabilizing the conflux.
- Stabilize the Conflux and Destroy Data Cubes
- Stabilize Confluxes
- Stabilization progress
- [0-100]%
- Stabilize confluxes and destroy the data cubes they generate.
- Stabilization progress
- Collect Mind Core
- Destroy the Network Mind so Ghost can use its data core to find Failsafe
- Rescue Failsafe
- Destroy the Vex Cyclops
- Stabilize Confluxes
- Stabilization progress
- [0-100]%
- Stabilize confluxes by destroying the data cubes they generate.
- Stabilization progress
- Release Failsafe
- Free Failsafe from her prison
- Hallows
- Start Adventure
Ghost: Hey team. I know how we can hook Failsafe up to the Nessus core and mine all the data we could ever want. Just help me place these beacons and I'll explain!
- Connect Failsafe
- Plant Beacons
- [0-3] of 3
- Help Ghost plant beacons so that Failsafe can connect to the Nessus core
- Plant Beacons
- The player climbs the rock walls of the Hallows and plants the beacons
- Place Beacon
- 1 of 3
Ghost: These beacons should allow us to hook Failsafe into the Nessus core. Thin of all the data she could pull!
Failsafe (Cheery: It is a proactive and clever plan, friendly Ghost! (Depressed): I still think it's a bad idea.
- Plant Beacon
- 2 of 3
Ghost: This will work, trust me!. You know how I usually hack and scan stuff for us?
Failsafe (Cheery): I do!
Ghost: This one's all you.
Failsafe (Depressed): How fun.
- Place Beacon
- 3 of 3
- Unlock Nessus Core
- Have Ghost open the Nessus Core so Failsafe can hack into the planet
- The player heads to the core in Watcher's Grave
- Watcher's Grave
- The player reaches the Nessus Core, locate close to Ghost Scan NE-WG-1
- D1 Veteran Account: Ghost: "This reminds me of one of Xur's Strange Coins. A big one. Come to think of it, do we even know where Strange Coins come from?"
- The player reaches the Nessus Core, locate close to Ghost Scan NE-WG-1
- Non-Veteran Account: Ghost: It may look like a big creepy eyeball, but I’m pretty sure this is just a Vex exhaust receptacle. Just… Don’t touch it.
- Unlock Nessus Core
- The player unlocks the core
Ghost: The core is open! Get ready, Failsafe
Failsafe (Cheery): I am practising my best Vex impressions. Please do not let them capture me, Captain!
Ghost: Just treat it like tight-rope walking. Don't think about it.
Failsafe (depressed): You're not helping
- Connect Failsafe to Nessus
- Help Failsafe interface with the Nessus core
- Above the central area of Watcher's Grave, before the Core access point, a Vex gravity cannon that will project the player onto some floating platforms which have now appeared in the middle of the area, high off the ground.
Ghost': You can do this, Failsafe! I believe in you.
Failsafe (Cheery): IF they kill me, I will haunt your shell
Ghost: Haha...heh...
- The player arrives on this platform and interacts with a terminal there
- Hack Nessus
Failsafe (Cheery): I have interfaced with the Nessus core!
Ghost: See? Easy! Grab everything that's not nailed down!
Failsafe (Cheery): The Vex are attempting to impede my progress. There should be a Conflux nearby. Please stabilize it for me.
- Stabilize Conflux
- Stabilize the Conflux and Destroy Data Cubes
- [0-5] of 5
- Help Failsafe hack the Vex by stabilizing the conflux.
- Stabilize the Conflux and Destroy Data Cubes
- The player approaches the Conflux which begins stabilizing so long as they are in proximity
- [0-100]% Stabilizing
- 100%
Failsafe (Cheery): Thank you, Captain! Now eliminate those data cubes. They contain security protocols that are blocking my progress.
Ghost: You're a pro! I knew this could work.
- The player shoots the "Data Cubes" which spawn in mid air around the Conflux. The Data Cubes are the same objects as the explosive hazards seen in Vex environments glowing yellow, and when shot, explode.
- 1 of 5
- 2 of 5
- 3 of 5
- 4 of 5
- 5 of 5
Failsafe (Cheery): The Vex are fighting back. I have marked other Confluxes for stabilization. Destroy the cubes they generate!
- Stabilize Confluxes
- Stabilization progress
- [0-100]%
- Stabilize confluxes and destroy the data cubes they generate.
- Stabilization progress
- The platform disappears and the player descends to the normal area beneath which is now crawling with Vex come to attack the player, and several Confluxes ringing the area, surrounded by more data cube bombs. The player can stand near a conflux to stabilise it, or shoot the cubes which also boosts stability.
- 100%
- A "Network Minotaur" spawns in
Ghost: Failsafe! The Vex have sent a Mind after us! Failsafe? Any updates?
Failsafe (Cheery):--
Ghost: OK. So she's been captured by the Vex. Ugh, I'm so sorry, I can fix this! Get me the data core from that Mind!
- Collect Mind Core
- Destroy the Network Mind so Ghost can use its data core to find Failsafe
- After loosing a third of its health the Network Minotaur will teleport onto the cliffs above and out of the area, requiring the player pursue them. After loosing another third and having only 33% health remaining the Minotaur will teleport again to be besides a Vex Gate leading to the Chamber of Water. The player kills the Network Minotaur and takes its "Vex Mind Core".
- Rescue Failsafe
- Destroy the Vex Cyclops
- Chamber of Water
Ghost: Failsafe's gotta be in here somewhere. Help me get rid of the interference from those Confluxes, and I should be able to lock onto her location.
- Stabilize Confluxes
- Stabilization progress
- [0-100]%
- Stabilize confluxes by destroying the data cubes they generate.
- Stabilization progress
- The player advances into Chamber of Water, fighting the Vex, destroying the cubes and stabilizing the Confluxes. A conflux in the area is actually a Ghost Scan NE-CW-1:
- D1 Veteran Account:Ghost: "I'm getting some weird readings from this conflux. Hey, remember the old Vault of Glass? There are some fractured headers here marked 'Aetheon.' 'Sekrion.' 'Theosyion.'
- Non Veteran Account: Ghost: "I don't know why the Vex would put a Conflux all the way up here, unless it was for the view. But the Vex aren't really big on aesthetics. Hmm."
- The player advances into Chamber of Water, fighting the Vex, destroying the cubes and stabilizing the Confluxes. A conflux in the area is actually a Ghost Scan NE-CW-1:
- 100%
Ghost: Got her! They've locked her in a cube construct. Take out the Vex, and we'll free her. I hope it's not too late.
- Release Failsafe
- Free Failsafe from her prison
- With the Confluxes stabilized a barrier blocking further progression is lowered and the player advances to the giant data cube construct where Failsafe is being kept. Above the cube a Network Cyclops is emplaced and engages the player as they approach. Once the player reaches knocks out a third of it's health a very large number of explosive data cubes will spawn in close proximity to the Cyclops. These may be caused to explode in a chain reaction that will destroy the Network Cyclops by either the player or the Cyclops, especially should it be damaged to the point of firing wildly in all directions. However it ends, the Cyclops is killed and the player approaches the prison.
- Release Failsafe
Failsafe (Cheery): Thank you, Captain. I have spent the last decade speaking with a fellow prisoner.
Ghost: A decade? It didn't take us that long!
Failsafe (Cheery): Time must work differently within the Network. He was a very good listener. It's a shame I couldn't take him with me. He showed me a myriad of potentialities for this galaxy. How the Vex intend to shape them. I will share with our Vanguard.
Ghost: I'm so sorry I put you through that.
Failsafe (Cheery): But you did! And I never forget those who wrong me.
{End Gameplay}
{End Mission}
- The Network Mind Minotaur that captures Failsafe uses the same construct as Acanthos, Gate Lord, possibly identifying the Network Minotaur as a Gate Lord charged with the defence of the Nessus Core.
- The "Network" title of the Minotaur and Cyclops bosses during this Adventure, "Network Minotaur" and "Network Cyclops", is the same as the Hydra boss at the end of Deep Conversation This fact together with the references to a "fellow prisoner" in Hack the Planet and "a user in the network named Osiris" in Deep Conversation, and Failsafe's development of the ability to authenticate Vex logins as well as the fact that Ghost and not Failsafe does all further hacking after Failsafe's imprisonment, suggests a narrative connection between the two adventures.