Eliksni Quarter

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Eliksni Quarter


The Last City, Earth

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The Eliksni Quarter is shelter located in Botza District where the House of Light have settled within the Last City. It is their primary base of operation and home to refugee Eliksni who have abandoned their old Houses.


Eliksni Quarter Scans

Main article: Eliksni Quarter Scans for full transcript

Eido's Transmitter Scan

  • Hello! My name is Eido. My father is Misraaks, Kell of our House. I took my name from his first Awoken friend, Sjur Eido. As Scribe for the House of Light, it's my job to preserve our House's history, so that hatchlings may one day learn our stories. Misraakskel requested that I leave some records for the Humans of the Last City so they might learn about Eliksni culture in their own time.
Eliksni model of the Traveler

Traveler Shrine Scan

  • During our Golden Age, the Eliksni civilization spanned many star systems. Farther than Humanity could imagine. And in all of our exploration, we never found anything more wonderous than the Great Machine. It's one of the few things all Eliksni Houses can agree on. That's why shrines like these are made of many small pieces. Each bit was added by a different House. It's a tradition that lasted generations. Most of those Houses are now extinct, and their members are scattered. It's funny. I revered the Great Machine all my life, without ever having seen it. And now that it's right overhead, I still look to this shrine for comfort.

Eliksni Ward Scan

  • Some Eliksni tell hatchlings that these wards keep Guardians from attacking us in our sleep. We know this is not true, of course, but it helps hatchlings to rest peacefully. Soon enough, they must learn that the Guardians cannot be stopped by such things. That they cannot be stopped at all. Even by death. After that, the ward changes meaning. For grown Eliksni, it's a reminder that the Great Machine blesses life-givers and killers alike. But now that we have seen Guardians among their own people, taking orders and making awkward small talk... I don't think this tradition will continue in the House of Light. We no longer see Guardians as monsters. Just people: frightened and misguided.


List of appearances
