Ixel, the Far-Reaching

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Ixel, the Far-Reaching
Biographical information




Red Legion (formerly)
Cabal Deserters
Imperial Cabal







Combat information


Battleground: Oracle


Cabal Slug Launcher


Summon Cabal
Summon Shieldbearer Champion
High Durability
Rapid Movement
Limited Flight
Psion Melee
Immunity Shield
Summon Portable Cabal Shield
Voltaic Strike


Ixel, the Far-Reaching was a Psion of the Imperial Cabal who aspired to join Empress Caiatl's War Council.


Ixel was an ambitious, high-ranking Psion stationed on Nessus under an "uncreative" Valus. Believing her potential was being stifled by her Valus's refusal to investigate Vex technology that could augment her natural powers, Ixel slew him and deserted, taking the best soldiers from their unit with her.[1]

Despite being a traitor to the Cabal and considering Empress Caiatl a fool, Ixel's ambition drove her to pursue a seat on Caiatl's War Council by harnessing a Vex prediction engine to predict any and every way to kill Commander Zavala and cripple the Last City's command.[1] Caiatl did not reject Ixel's claim, and her desire to kill the Vanguard reached the ears of Caiatl's champion Ignovun.[2][3] However, thanks to the Crow, her plans were revealed to Saladin Forge. In response, the Iron Lord promptly deployed the Guardians in a grudge match against Ixel and her squad, wiping her and her aspirants out in a decisive final battle within Nessus's core.[4]

Even though Ixel fell to the Lightbearers in the Rite of Proving, her findings in the prediction engine found their way to the rebel, Yirix, and her Psion conclave. They used them to further their plans of vengeance against the Guardians in the name of Amtec, attempting to act on the predictions of Zavala's final death.


Ixel fights like many of her Psion predecessors, tending to stay up close to make the most out of her Cabal Slug Launcher and melee abilities. Upon reaching each third of her health bar, Ixel will deploy an unbreachable shield around herself and summon special white glowing enemies who power her shield. Kill these enemies and her shield will drop, allowing for the fight to continue.

It's best to keep Ixel on the back of your mind and focus on her squad, as they will quickly overwhelm your Fireteam if you don't keep their numbers low, only beginning to target Ixel once the herd as been thinned a substantial amount.



  • Ixel's appearance is remarkably similar to the concept art model of Inotam, Oblivion's Triune, where she had bulkier armor and a fabric cape.

List of appearances

