Anastasia Bray
Ana Bray HQ.png
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Ana Bray
Stasya Pak (alias)
Voice of Rasputin





Hair color:


Political and military information


Clovis Bray
Future War Cult (Inferred)




Hunter (Gunslinger)

Notable info:

Adopted Member of House Bray
Psycholinguist of Clovis Bray(formerly)


"You want another story about the Twilight Gap? Ana Bray, the Hunter. We all dug deep that day. We all touched the Light in ways we never thought we could. Or should. Ana, though. When she fired the Gun, where her Golden blasts hit home, she left behind the pools of light. Like splashes of sunlight that burned and burned."
— Lord Shaxx

Dr. Anastasia Bray[1] is a Hunter Gunslinger and an adopted member of House Bray. Prior to her first death, she was a psycholinguist who helped develop the Warmind Rasputin by teaching it independent thought. After the Collapse, Ana was revived by a Ghost named Jinju. Unlike most Guardians, Ana had knowledge about her past life due to a Clovis Bray ID she was wearing upon her revival. She became a hero of the Last City, but disappeared after the Battle of Twilight Gap, with many believing her dead, in order to investigate her past. She recieved help from Owl Sector operative Camrin Dumuzi, who Ana eventually entered into a relationship with. Her search led her to a Clovis Bray facility in the Hellas Basin on Mars, where Ana hoped to recruit Rasputin in aiding humanity against its enemies. However, the presence of a Hive brood called the Grasp of Nokris complicated her efforts, and Ana teamed up with The Young Wolf and Commander Zavala to rescue the Warmind.


Teaching Rasputin

During her life at Clovis Bray, Ana worked on Rasputin as a psycholinguist that sought to teach him independent thought; this was needed if he was going to solve problems without human supervision. Rather than provide him with rigid programming that could only solve specific problems, she provided access to works of humanities—including literature, philosophy, and music—in order to develop nuance in his language, morality, and emotion. He also made excellent progress in developing value judgments and intuition from her trial simulations. Once he had begun to create his own ideas through changing his voice and upgrading warsats, Ana found her work satisfactory. However, she realized that she never taught Rasputin the concept of trust, and that it will be difficult for humanity to trust in him.[2]

Time With Elsie

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A Guardian of the Last City

"I still think of the Battle of Twilight Gap. I don’t remember much. There was smoke and ash. I heard Shaxx shouting, but I just kept firing my gun, over and over."
— Ana Bray

Early in her career as a Guardian, Ana worked with a fireteam called the Night Wolves, but the rest of her team perished.[3]

Ana's life as a Guardian was different than most others. Though she defended the City with the same valor as her comrades, she never felt that the City was her home. On top that, Ana had an unyielding desire to learn more about Clovis Bray, and by extension, her past life. Because her search for knowledge was personal, she and Zavala would often argue about her quest, since Guardians learning about their past is a taboo. She was present at the Battle of the Twilight Gap, where she wore the cloak Strength of the Pack.[4] During the battle, Ana was thrown from the City Wall. Even though her body was never found, everyone assumed she died her last death that day. In reality, Ana survived, but she decided not return to the City. Instead, she chose to throw herself into her search for any information on Clovis Bray and Rasputin. Her bracelet was found at Twilight Gap by the Guardian investigating a time ripple on behalf of the Future War Cult.[5].

During the Red War, following the liberation of the Last City, a heavily redacted diary belonging to Ana Bray could be found in a Daito office above the hangar in the Tower. She is also mentioned in the adventure missions on Io. One of the scannable items in the Warmind vault had been scrubbed clean of all data by a user named Bray; these could have been Ana herself, or one of the members of the Bray family during the Golden Age.

Search for the Warmind

While the Red War was taking place Ana was searching the polar ice caps of Mars for the facility containing Rasputin's core program. During her search, she encountered the Red Legion, who were searching the ice caps for anything of value. Around this time, The Traveler was caged, causing Ana to lose her light mid-battle and nearly get killed by a War Beast. Though Jinju was able to heal her, Ana was still down to one life. Though Jinju picked Zavala's call to rally on Titan, Ana opted to fight by continuing her search for Rasputin. Some time later, Ana was caught in a dangerously heavy snowstorm. When a personal effect of hers is lost in the storm, Ana abandons self-preservation to find it, despite Jinju's warning that the storm would kill her permanently. At the same time Ana is buried alive by the storm, the Traveler awakens, returning Light to all Guardians and Ghosts. Miraculously, Jinju is able to revive her partner, and the duo find that they reached Hellas Basin, and press forward to Rasputin's core.

Ice and Shadow

Upon reaching Hellas Basin, Ana scanned the topography to find an entire armada of Hive Tombships buried beneath the glacier. What's worse were hundreds of Warsats dropping out of the atmosphere and into the glacier as a result of the Traveler's awakening, which in turn caused the dormant Hive to reawaken beneath her feet. Ana fought her way across the unstable terrain between the unburrowing Hive and Rasputin only to find something much worse unearth on the horizon: the living, giant Worm God Xol. [6][7]

Reaching out for assistance on any secure Vanguard communications, Ana's help would come in the form of the Guardian; clearing a path through the Hive and the Red Legion that they rendezvous at the entrance of the Braytech facility.

The ECHO Project

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Meanwhile exploring Mars she finds a Warmind bunker. Inside are a couple of dead Exos from the golden age. Trying to find out more information they trigger an alarm. After taking care of it in a base on Uranus.

Halting the Almighty

Ana throws one of her knives at a Psion.

Ana was called upon by Zavala to investigate the Red Legion's activity on the Cabal superweapon known as The Almighty when it suddenly moved out of orbit of Mercury. Infilitrating the station, Ana made her way to the engine room while Zavala fought to the bridge. She discovered three Psions within the control room, and told Zavala to wait a moment as he tried to contact her. Drawing her knives, Ana engaged the Psions, swiftly breaking ones neck with a kick. Dodging their fire, she gutted the second Psion and flipped away from the third, finishing it off by throwing one of her knives into its neck as it raised its weapon. Ana retrieved her knife and mocked her dead foes, but then noticed the Cabal had destroyed the central manifold, crippling the Almighty's maneuvering thrusters. A explosion then rocked the station, and Ana quickly identified it as coming from the propulsion deck and that the Cabal had now destroyed the primary engine. She asked if Zavala had secured the bridge yet, and he told her to wait just a moment. Once he had taken it, Zavala informed Ana that the Cabal had also destroyed the Almighty's navigation system, leaving the ship hurtling through space with no way to change course. Ana was confused about why the Cabal had done all this and wondered what the Cabal's motive was, but Zavala then discovered that the Red Legion had set the station on a collision course for the Last City.[8]

Realizing that the Last City does not have the ordnance to destroy or alter The Almighty's course, Ana suggests that their only hope was to gain the cooperation of the only entity that may have the power to save their home: Rasputin. Though Zavala remained adamant that the ancient Warmind cannot be trusted, noting its priorities have changed in the past, Ana believes they don't have a choice, which the Titan Vanguard reluctantly complies with. Relaying her plan to The Guardian, Ana suggests they speak with Rasputin directly at his core to plead their case with him. After driving back a Red Legion force with Rasputin's weaponized Frames and speaking with Rasputin, the Warmind agrees to help the Guardians to find a way to stop The Almighty. To begin, Rasputin directs the Guardians to a hidden bunker within the EDZ and connect it with his system mainframe. Ana Bray and Zavala arrive at the bunker first and encounter a House of Dusk raiding party. As Zavala holds off the Dusk Fallen, Ana works on a terminal to make a make a connection with Rasputin but fortune arrives in the Guardian who manages to slay the raiding party leader and drives the rest of the Fallen away. As Ana gets closer to making a connection between the bunker's mainframe with Rasputin's, Zavala once again voices his distrust in the Warmind. Ana defends Rasputin, stating they are on the same side and that Zavala needs only faith. Zavala remains unconvinced but says that between her and Ana, he would put his faith in her. Once their discussion is over, Ana is successful in establishing a connection with Rasputin, restoring power to the Seraph Bunker and allowing Rasputin to develop weapons for the Guardians and activate Seraph Towers in the region.

Later on, Ana travels to Luna to reactivate the Seraph Bunker there but encounters heavy Hive resistance. Fortunately, she holds the Hive off long enough for the Guardian to arrive and provide backup. With the Hive eliminated, Ana works on and succeeds in connecting the bunker to Rasputin.

When The Fourth Horseman was stolen from the Vanguard vaults, the Guardian visited Ana to gain aid in tracking it down. She was shocked that someone had managed to break through the security of the vault, but based on the weapon she had one guess for who was responsible: the Cabal, as it was designed to be the ultimate Cabal slayer. She directed the Guardian to hunt down Cabal across Mars and gather data from them on recent Cabal activity. The data the Guardian collected worried Ana, as it pointed to the Shadows of Calus being involved in the theft. She suggested the Guardian hunt down Psions who were working as double agents for Emperor Calus within the Red Legion.[9]

Following weeks of activating the Seraph Bunkers and rearming them, the Guardians are successful in stopping the Red Legion's plot to destroy the Last City using the Almighty. With Rasputin launching his countermeasure, the countless warsats destroy the Almighty, sending whats left the vessel crashing into the mountains outside the Last City. The Guardians inform Ana of their success and Ana responds with complete joy and disbelief. Further, Ana expresses her utter gratitude for the Guardians in trusting her and in Rasputin.

Season Of Arrivals

As the Pyramids move closer to Io, Ana activates the warsats near the moon to destroy the Pyramid. At first it’s hologram disappears, but is brought back in as it sends out a shockwave that disables Rasputin, much to distraught and fear in Ana. Jinju is able to restore some parts of Rasputin and brings the parts back to the City, in hopes that Rasputin can be brought back. Meanwhile, she is encountered by Zavala while drinking, and accepts a deal from Zavala, while also talking about Colonel, the chicken of the former Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6.

Personality and Traits

Free-spirited and adventurous with a sarcastic sense of humor, Ana Bray is determined to seek the answers regarding her past and of her connection to the Warmind, Rasputin. Though regarded as a talented Hunter and a reliable teammate to her fellow Guardians, Ana Bray believed that the Last City never really felt like her home. When finding evidence of her connection to Clovis Bray, Ana grew more and more curious on the nature of her past, to the point where she was willing to defy orders and fake her death. This showcases her rebellious nature as her desire to learn about her past goes against Vanguard doctrine which discourages Guardians to look into their past and focus on ensuring humanity has a future. Even when her Light was suppressed during the Red War, Ana Bray remained steadfast in her mission to locate Rasputin and get the answers she desired, even with the risk of a final death. Though Ana felt alienated from the Last City, she showed a measure of shame after Zavala admonished her for faking her death to pursue her questions while leaving her fellow Guardians during the Red War, Ana Bray nonetheless felt that Rasputin could make a powerful ally.

Throughout the conflict with the Grasp of Nokris Hive faction and the Worm God Xol, Ana Bray continuously believed that the Last City needs Rasputin and his cooperation. As a result, she constantly brought her case of gaining the Warmind's support to a reluctant Zavala who believes that Rasputin will not heed to the priorities of the Vanguard or the safety of humanity. Though Ana proved that Rasputin listens to her, even she can't discern Rasputin's motives with complete clarity.

After encountering the Guardian, Ana Bray maintained a healthy partnership with them, grateful for their support during her investigations into Clovis Bray and saving Rasputin from Xol.


  • "I know what you're thinking, she's with Clovis Bray, she must have all the answers! But I'm just in the dark as you are on the Deep Stone Crypt."
  • "I know what you're thinking. She's from Clovis Bray, she must have all the answers about my past and the Deep Stone Crypt. Despite all my digging, I'm still in the dark on a lot of things."
  • "Rasputin predicted you'd return. Just kidding!"
  • "You have any updates?"
  • "If I missed something, let me know."
  • "Anything I can help with?"
  • "I admit, Rasputin can be a little temperamental. Nothing to worry about though. He just wants to help us!"
  • "This place has definitely seen better days."
  • "Let's make it happen!"
  • "Let me know if you find any Golden Age tech out there."
  • "Stay sharp."
  • "Feels good to be back."
  • "See you later."
  • "Gimme one sec."
  • "Let's get the ball rolling."
  • "Are you adjusting to Mars yet?"
  • "I'm ready when you are."
  • "Still in one piece?"
  • "We could've used a Guardian like you at Twilight Gap."
  • "I don't bite. Let me know if you need something."
  • "Back so soon? How can I be of assistance?"
  • "I really believe Rasputin can do some good. We just need to trust him, and then he'll trust us."
  • "I hate how the Cabal think they can raid this place! They don't get to walk in here and take things from my family!"
  • "Take as much time as you need."
  • "I look busy but I can multitask. Need something?"
  • "How's Ikora doing? She was one tough Warlock. You remind me of her in a lot of ways."
  • "How are you liking Valkyrie? I wish we had weapons like that at Twilight Gap."
  • "The Tower wasn't my favorite place, but I had a lot of friends there. I belonged to it and it belonged to me."
  • "Things change so quickly these days. Can't even keep up anymore."
  • "What do you want, Rasputin? I see your sense of humor hasn't change."
  • "I don't have access to some of these files. What will I do..."
  • "Anomaly in the Reef... But I thought-- Nope! I don't have time for that right now."
  • "Why do you keep rewriting moral structures? This is why people have problems with you, you know."
  • "Rasputin recorded a substantial amount of Guardian traffic at some place on Earth called The Weep. The strange part is, not a lot of bullets were fired."
  • "Did you ever meet Andal? He taught me a lot about being a Hunter. He kept telling people that Cayde was Rasputin, though."


  • ""The Heph index is huge now! Rasputin has made some--"
  • "You should've seen Freehold in the old days. My grandfather put ??? on the map ????"



  • Ana was originally voiced by Jamie Chung in Warmind, but was replaced by Erika Ishii in Season of the Worthy.[10]
    • Despite this, Jamie Chung is still solely credited as the voice of Ana in the game's credits.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind Reveal Trailer
  2. ^ The Unsolvable Problem, The Machine Child, The First Idea, The Black Box, & The Ghost Synapse transcripts
  3. ^ Bungie (2018/8/5), Destiny 2: Warmind Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Anastasia Bray: Quote
  4. ^ Strength of the Pack
  5. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Shadows at Twilight
  6. ^ Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind Reveal Trailer
  7. ^ Destiny the Game Expansion II
  8. ^ Bungie (2020/3/10), Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard
  9. ^ Bungie (2020/3/10), Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, In Rides A Pale Horse
  10. ^ Erika Ishii twitter - 2020/3/10