Forum:Jobiks Prime

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Jobkis Prime
Biographical information




House of Lions


Prime Servitor


Jobkis Prime is the long-lost Prime Servitor within the House of Lions.


Jobkis Prime formerly served as the Prime Servitor of the House of Lions, until when the Lions moved into The Reef, the Prime when missing, due to a unknown reason. Causing the Lions to create Andax Prime to replace it.

The False Prime

With the House of Lions in ruins, the House of Dusk began trying to take control of the Lions, by rebuilding Jobkis Prime, with the returned Prime, the lions leadership was slowly rebuilding itself, however Joskaa, Lion Kell suspected it was a trap, but with the help of the Guardians and the return of Andax Prime, the Lions battled Dusk and defeated the fake Prime.


Despite the House of Dusk recreating Jobkis, it truly unknown what happen the Real Prime, if it was destroyed or captured by unknown faction, but it's possible that the Prime is somewhere in the Reef, if the Prime is still alive.

List of appearances