Devastation Complex

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Devastation Complex

Devastation Complex is an Legendary Titan armor in Destiny 2. It can be acquired from Legendary and Vendor Engrams. It is the armor of the infamous fallen Guardian, Dredgen Yor.



{Quote|Be that which causes ruin to all who oppose the light.|The Speaker}}Bold text


"Hold tight to all that remains. It is fleeting, but doesn't have to be."
— The Speaker


"All you accomplish will inspire. And in that inspiration you will find strength."
— The Speaker


"Hope shall follow in the wake of your greatest deeds."
— The Speaker

Be Thy Champion

"An honored gift, given to those who stand as pillars of hope."
— Armor description

List of Appearances


  • The Grimoire Anthology revealed the Devastation Complex set to be the armor of Dredgen Yor.


Template:Titan Armor D2