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Revision as of 13:09, July 1, 2017 by Xchievement (talk | contribs) (a few adjustments)
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An Arcstrider fighting in the Crucible.

The Arcstrider is an Arc-based Hunter subclass that will be available in Destiny 2. Arcstriders possess a lightning staff that can be swung rapidly at opponents for massive Arc damage.[1]

Set 1 - Grenades

  • Skip grenade-A grenade which splits on impact, creating multiple projectiles which seek enemies.
  • Flux Grenade-An explosive grenade which deals additional damage when attached to enemies.
  • Arcbolt Grenade-A grenade that chains bolts of lightning to nearby enemies.

Set 2 - Movement

  • High Jump-Upgrades Double Jump with even greater height.
  • Strafe Jump-Upgrades Double Jump with better directional control while in the air.
  • Triple Jump-Upgrades Double Jump with a third jump.

Set 3 - Super

  • Arc Staff-Conjure a polearm infused with Arc electricity that can be used to rapidly slice enemies while maneuvering around the battlefield.

Set 4 - Class Abilities

  • Marksman Dodge-Automatically reload your equipped weapon while dodging
  • Gambler’s Dodge-Dodging near enemies generates Melee energy

Set 5 - Passive Path 1: Way Of The Warrior

  • Combat Flow-Melee kills recharge your dodge skill
  • Deadly Reach-Dodging temporarily increases melee range
  • Lethal Current-Arc Staff attacks hit twice after dodging
  • Shocking Blow-Striking an enemy with this powerful melee attack emits a deadly bolt of lightning from your fist

Set 6 - Passive Path 2: Way Of The Wind

  • Disorienting Blow-Striking an enemy with this debilitating melee attack disorients the target. Killing a target with Disorienting Blow instantly recharges it.
  • Lightning Reflexes-Take less damage while dodging when Arc Staff is active
  • Battle Meditation-When critically wounded, melee and grenades recharge drastically faster
  • Focused Breathing-Sprinting reduces your dodge cooldown. Increased maximum sprint speed

Melee Type

  • Arc-Based Presure-Point Punch


List of appearances
