Ice Breaker

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Ice Breaker
Grimoire Ice Breaker.jpg
Production overview

Other name(s):

X-032782 (Serial Number)



Rarity class:


Weapon type:

Sniper Rifle

Required level:

20 (Y1)
40 (Y3)

Min-max impact:

31-32 (D1)
100 (D2)

Min-max stability:

15-24 (D1)
38 (D2)

Min-max handling:


Min-max reload speed:

62 (D1)
0 (D2)

Min-max magazine:

6 (D1)
10 (D2)


Feed system:


Ammunition type:


Fire mode:


Rate of fire:

19 RPM (D1)
49 RPM (D2)


Solar Solar

Effective range:

100 (D1)
82 (D2)

Hidden stats

Aim assistance:

40-50 (Y1)
30-40 (Y3)
58 (D2)

Inventory size:

0 (D2)


50 (Y1)
60 (Y3)
35 (D2)


64 (D2)

Bounce intensity:

36 (D2)

Bounce direction:


Airborne effectiveness:

6 (D2)

Service history

In service:



Clovis Bray
Vesper's Host


"Please replace these components if use causes fatal damage: HEAT SINK. MAGAZINE. OPERATOR."
— Weapon Description

Ice Breaker is an Exotic Solar Sniper Rifle introduced in Destiny. It would later make its return in Destiny 2 in Episode: Revenant as a random drop from the Vesper's Host Dungeon, and the drop rate can be increased by completing dungeon triumphs.



The weapon features self-replenishing ammunition and when fully upgraded, has a chance to return ammo directly to the magazine & cause enemies to explode, similar to the perk "Firefly". This is offset by the fact that Icebreaker starts with zero ammo after the player spawns, regenerates ammo one every six seconds, cannot use special ammo pickups or ammo synthesis, and cannot carry more than a magazine's worth of ammo. This weapon has two custom ornaments that change the appearance of the weapon, which can be acquired by opening Treasures of the Dawning and Radiant Treasures.


  • Intrinsic: No Backpack - Cannot be reloaded. Regenerates ammo over time.
  • Barrel
    • Accurized Ballistics — More range and impact. Increased recoil.
    • Field Choke —More range and impact. Increased recoil.
    • Linear Compensator- More predictable recoil. Slight boosts to range and impact. More recoil.
  • 1st Perk: Ice Breaker - Ice Breaker's victims spontaneously combust, dealing damage to others nearby.
  • Stat Modifiers
    • Quickdraw - This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast.
    • Send It - Increases range and accuracy.
    • Snapshot — Aiming this weapon is incredibly fast.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

"The Ice Breaker series was a clandestine project developed by the Vanguard in conjunction with various City weapons foundries. Meant as an exploration of Golden Age weapon technology, the project was scrapped after only a single weapon reached the testing phase.

The prototypes for the project's lone weapon are considered dangerous and unfit for field duty by the Vanguard. This hasn't stopped daring Guardians from seeking out the Ice Breakers - death, after all, is an occupational hazard."

Destiny 2


  • No Backpack: Final blows or assists with any other weapon or ability have a chance to create ammo for Ice Breaker. Defeating powerful combatants will create multiple rounds.
  • Corkscrew Rifling: Balanced barrel. Slightly increases range and stability, slightly increases handling speed
  • Accurized Rounds: This weapon can fire longer distances. Increases Range.
  • Ice Breaker: Defeating a target with this weapon causes them to explode. Precision final blows or shattering a frozen target instead triggers an ignition
  • Composite Stock: This weapon has a versatile dual-purpose stock. Slightly increases stability, slightly increases handling speed.

Exotic Catalyst

  • Icing Breaker: Landing a hit on a slowed or frozen target has a chance to return the round to the magazine.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.


The foundry is silent now. Shell casings litter the floor. They clatter away from the bootfalls of the Warlock Shayura as she weaves between the downed chassis of combat frames branded with the sigil of the Häkke foundry.

"Security is disabled," Shayura says over an encrypted channel. She's quick to cross the foundry floor, checking the disabled frames one by one as she progresses to a sealed vault door. The door's surface is marked with a glyph unfamiliar to her. It looks like a fish hook, or perhaps an anchor. "Is this what we're looking for?"

"Confirmed. That's the same symbol on the weapon the Vanguard recovered from Seraph Station. Golden Age, possibly older."

Shayura extends one arm, wreathed in Solar fire, and manifests a searing white Dawnblade that she uses to cut through the door in a single stroke. Half of the vault door crashes to the floor and falls to the side, sizzling on a glowing hot edge. Shayura then floats into the air, drifting through the partial opening.

"We need any records you can find. Anything where BrayTech and Häkke overlap."

Shayura dispatches her Ghost to scan rows of server racks containing decompiled engrams. Nearby weaponry is mounted on vault walls. Prototype firearms, alien weapons, unrecognizable technology from across Sol. A sniper rifle of Human design catches her eye; a red and gray body with some kind of thermal plating on the barrel. Her fingertips brush over the serial number stenciled on it: X-032782. It's an Ice Breaker. She remembers when the Vanguard commissioned this design from Häkke, remembers when it was outlawed for being "dangerous and unfit for duty." The design was later stolen and replicated.

Hefting the Ice Breaker from the wall, Shayura turns to watch her Ghost scan and download Häkke's archives. "Find what you're looking for?"

"Skimming. I see some interesting details. Häkke's Golden-Age predecessor had a terrestrial office in what was once the city of Chicago. They were involved in the development of gravity-based weapons. No BrayTech connections yet."

Shayura freezes. "Chicago?" The tombs below Old Chicago haunt her periphery. Every ambient noise in the derelict foundry becomes a threat. She pushes past the fear, past the panic. That isn't now. "What does Chicago have to do with anything?"

"I'm not sure…" her handler on the other end of the comms says. "But whatever it is goes back a long, long time."


  • The weapon is a fan favorite in the Destiny Community due to its reliability and usage in both PvE and PvP.
  • Despite not being generally for PvP due to lower aim assist and higher zoom, Ice Breaker saw greater usage in the Crucible and Trials of Osiris after patch This patch nerfed special ammo to be lost upon death; thus, incentivizing the exotic.


List of appearances