Hunt for Riven's Clutch

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Clash of the Hive Gods

Hunt for Riven's Clutch


War against the Witness


Dreaming City, The Reef


  • The Vanguard and the Reef seek out Riven to grant the fifteenth wish
    • Riven agrees to grant the fifteenth wish in exchange for safely securing her clutch
      • Osiris attempts at finding a way to replicate the Witness's link to the Veil fail, leaving Riven as their only option to bypass the portal
      • The Sol Divisive capture one of Riven's eggs and transport it to the Black Garden
        • The Guardian retrieves the egg from the Black Garden
          • Taranis's corpse chooses the Guardian as his Wish-Keeper
      • Riven reveals that only one can follow the Witness into the Pale Heart
        • Crow volunteers to go through and use his paracausal connection with Mara to open the way through
        • The Guardian successfully secures all of Riven's Egg
          • The forces of Fikrul's attempt at making a wish prevented
          • Riven grants the wish at the cost of her existence, allowing Crow to go through the Ley Lines into the Pale Heart
  • The Witness sends the Sol Divisive to invade the Dreaming City
  • Hefnd calls the directionless Taken to the castle and uses their corruption to raise the dead House of Kings members as Scorn
    • Fikrul sends his Knights to claim these newly risen Scorn
      • The Scorn's attempts at harnessing Hefnd's bones thwarted



Forces of the Witness:



Forces of Hefnd:





Sol Divisive:

Xivu Arath's Horde:



Forces of Hefnd:


  • Countless Vex platforms
  • Countless Taken
  • Countless Scorn

  • Countless Taken
  • Hundreds of Scorn
  • Hundreds of Taken
  • Unknown

  • Dozens of Corsairs
  • Unknown number of Techeuns

  • Riven
  • Thousands of Vex platforms
  • Thousands of Taken
  • Thousands of Scorn

  • Thousands of Taken
  • Hundreds of Scorn
  • Hundreds of Taken

"All wishes come at a cost"
— Riven

The Hunt for Riven's Clutch was an operation directed by Mara Sov and the Reef to awaken the spirit of Riven so she can grant them the fifteenth wish to pursue the Witness. Upon awakening Riven she agrees to grant the wish with the condition that the Awoken Queen would secure her remaining eggs hidden within her lair. However upon reaching the vault, the eggs were missing. It would be discovered that the eggs were cast across the Ascendant Plane. To secure the clutch, the Techeuns would use the Ley Lines to pull the eggs back within Riven's Lair.


Warlord's Price

During the Great Ahamkara Hunt, Shaxx would slay the fearsome Ahamkara known as Hefnd. Due to his respect for the beast that killed him 14 times, Shaxx would place its remains within a Dark Age castle in the European Dead Zone.[1]

Sometime after the Hunt, Shaxx would speak with the former Warlord Naeem and tell her about the Ahamkara he had slain and how he had placed its remains within a castle.[2] Seeking the power to start anew, Naeem travels to the castle and greets Hefnd wishing for his kindness. Hefnd would respond to Naeem, by saying their was little left. The former Warlord reminds him that they both used their power for selfish purposes in the hopes of survival and asks him to share his kindness with others so they can both make amends. However Hefnd would reply by stating that wishes with no consequences did not satiate his hunger. Naeem would then offer that she takes the burdens of these wishes to which the Ahamkara agrees, thus her wish is granted.[3]

Travelling to villages, Naeem would use Hefnd's power to grant wishes to the people of the European Dead Zone.[4] Overtime a close friendship would form between the two of them. However the House of Kings would learn of their existence and storm the castle, killing Naeem in the process. In her final breath the former Warlord would wish that her "vengeance follow them into the grave."[5] Desiring to avenge his fallen friend, Hefnd waits for hundreds of years for the opportunity to eject her final wish.

Following the Witness

When the Vanguard learned through Asha that Savathûn knew the way to follow the Witness, they would reach out to Immaru to allow him to revive the Witch Queen in exchange for the information they desire. Immaru would agree to this but with one conidition, they must deal with Xivu Arath first. Despite the setback, Ikora Rey and Eris Morn agree to his bargain.

Using the Acolyte's Staff created by Eris Morn, the Guardian breaks an illusion to reveal the existence of Savathûn's Spire. Within the Spire, a recording left behind by Savathûn reveals that only a Hive God of equal strength could possibly defeat Xivu Arath. To challenge the God of War, Eris Morn transforms herself into the Hive God of Vengeance and directs the Guardians to collect tithes within Savathûn's Spire and the Altars of Summoning.

However Xivu Arath learns of Eris Morn's accession, sending her forces to invade her sisters throne world and retrieve the tithes from within. Due to Eris's transformation, the God of War sees Eris as her new sister and the heir to Oryx. Above the Altars of Summoning, the Guardian uncovers the Imbaru Engine, created for the purpose of generating Imbaru, the Witch Queen's method of gaining tribute through others failing to understand her schemes.

Through the weeks of tithing, Eris Morn reveals to the Guardian that she is now ready to confront Xivu Arath. Arriving at the Altar of the Sword, the Guardian slays the God of War's favoured champion, the Leviathan-Eater, Bane of the Ammonites. After the champion is slain, the God of Vengeance would have Immaru resurrect Savathûn, Eris would then slay her, gaining all of her power and becoming the most powerful Hive to ever live. However instead of challenging the God of War directly, Eris severs Xivu Arath's connection to her throne world, making her mortal. Upon completing the ritual, Eris Morn loses her Hive form and her power collapsing to the ground. Savathûn is resurrected once again and Ikora demands for her to reveal to them the way to follow the Witness, however the Hive God merely remarks she has already shown them the way and states that Ikora does not have the strength to defeat her. The Guardian steps up and claims they do, with a sign Savathûn offers them Immaru as a peace offering before flying away, leaving them confused.

When Savathûn leaves the Vanguard one last gift, the Guardian returns to the engine and lights three braziers to begin the final test. Upon completing the final test, the Guardian enters a room with an uncorrupted Ahamkara egg of Riven. To keep the egg out of the hands of the Witch Queen, Ikora orders them to retrieve the egg and bring it back to the Athenaeum. When Eris Morn arrives at the H.E.L.M. she discovers that the Guardian is working on something. The Guardian reveals a sketch of a pattern on Savathûn's wings for the Wishing Wall, revealing she had given them what she had promised, the wish to pursue the Witness.


Awakening the Dreamer

"Such a long slumber. Such a rude awakening. Grant the Witch Queen's final wish, you say I… refuse."
— Riven

With the Coalition learning that the only way to pursue the Witness is to make a wish, Mara Sov assembles her Techeuns to awaken Riven's spirit so she can grant the wish. However the Witness sends the Sol Divisive to invade the Dreaming City. Thus the Awoken Queen calls upon the Guardian to assist the Techeuns in fending of the Vex and waking Riven from her slumber. Arriving at the Keep of Voices, the Guardian fends of the Vex and retrieves one of Riven's teeth. They deliver it to the Techeuns who conjure Riven's spirit while the Guardian enters the code for the wish at the Wall of Wishes. The Techeuns succeed in awakening Riven's spirit, however to their astonishment, the Ahamkara refuses to grant them the wish.

Upon arriving within the Keep of Voices, Mara Sov orders the Techeuns to leave while she speaks with Riven. The Awoken Queen demands to know why she refused to grant the wish to which Riven states she has no reason to grant it as her and the rest of her kind are dead. Riven elaborates about how Mara not only sent the Guardians to slay her, but had her forces destroy all of her eggs. Or most of them, like the one hidden within Savathûn's Spire. The Ahamkara admits she hid some of her eggs within her lair and if Mara would ensure their safety, then Riven would grant the fifteenth wish. Despite knowing the possible consequences of allowing the Ahamkara to terrorize their system once more yet seeking the way to follow the Witness, Mara Sov agrees to Riven's bargain.

Breaching Riven's Lair

With the bargain being struck, the Guardian is sent to infiltrate Riven's Lair and retrieve the eggs from the vault within. Upon entering the lair they fight through Sol Divisive Vex, as well as Taken and Scorn who were left leaderless with the Witness's entry into the Pale Heart and Xivu Arath's banishment. However upon reaching the vault they discover it is empty. Riven accuses Mara of stealing her clutch, to which the Awoken Queen quickly states this is not her doing and orders Petra to assemble the Techeuns to discover what happened.

Through the Techeuns examinations, Petra reveals that Riven's eggs were scattered across the Ley Lines of the Ascendant Plane. They also detected a tremendous surge of paracausal energy across the transit system. Despite the challenge ahead of them, Petra believes that they can use the Ley Lines to catch Riven's Clutch, similar to when the Techeuns were lost within the Ascendant Plane.

Using the Ley Lines, the Techeuns successfully pull one of Riven's eggs back within her lair, sending the Guardian to retrieve it. They destroy hordes of Vex and a Taken Ogre imprisoned by the Divisive to arrive at the Pavilian to confront the Aspirational Construct, a Hydra that contains a dark core and serves as the eyes and ears of the Witness. Despite its power the Guardian destroys the Construct and acquire the egg.

Shortly after retrieving the first egg, the Guardian meets with Mara Sov to which she expresses her dissatisfaction of working with Riven. Osiris then arrives and reveals of his study's to recreate the Witness's link through the Guardian's Ghost.

Blighted Vengeance

With the Taken now masterless with Xivu Arath's banishment, Hefnd begins to direct Taken to his castle through his formidable will and uses their corruption to raise the dead House of Kings members as Scorn.[6] With the Scorn emergence in the European Dead Zone, Fikrul, the Fanatic who was leading his own gang of Scorn independent from the Witness sends his Knights to claim them.[7]

Upon discovering the Scorn presence on Earth, Petra Venj and Crow would send a fireteam led by the Guardian to investigate. Upon arriving at the mountain they defeat Rathil, First Broken Knight of Fikrul, however a Chimera serving as Hefnd's avatar transports them into a prison cell. Escaping the prison cell, the fireteam fight through swarms of Taken to Scorn to arrive at the castle Bailey and defeat the Locus of Wailing Grief. The fireteam then traverses the mountain to arrive at the submit and slay the Ahamkara's avatar, Hefnd's Vengeance, Blighted Chimaera. Continuing their exploration of the castle they learn more about the relationship between Naeem and Hefnd.
