Season of the Undying

Revision as of 23:16, November 22, 2023 by DeepStonedCryptkeeper (talk | contribs)
Season of the Undying
Season of the Undying Alt.jpg

Start date:

October 1st, 2019

End date:

December 10th, 2019


Vex Invasion Public Events
Vex Offensive

Previous season:

Season of Opulence

Next season:

Season of Dawn

The life in the Garden called out a question. The Vex are the answer.

Season of the Undying is the eighth Season of Destiny 2 and the first (and flagship) seasonal content for Shadowkeep. It released on October 1st, 2019 and ended on December 10th, 2019. Running in tandem with events after the expansion's campaign and the raid, Ikora Rey and the Guardians must halt an invasion of Sol Divisive Vex from taking over the Moon, launch their own counter offensive into the Black Garden, and destroy their leader: The Undying Mind.


Story & Activites: End The Vex Invasion

"As Guardians delve into the Black Garden, portals open allowing timeless Vex war machines to strike back with their own counter-offensive on the Moon. They won't stop until the moon becomes another one of their strongholds. Find a way to end the invasion."

Story & Activites: Stop The Vex Offensive

"Help The Vanguard
Work with Ikora Rey to hunt down the source of the Vex invasion and put a stop to it.

"New Matchmade Activity
Fight back the Vex in an all-new 6-player matchmade activity: Vex Offensive.

"Unlock New Weapons
Choose which weapon you want to add to your arsenal and complete the associated Pursuit to claim it.

Seasonal Artifact: The Gate Lord's Eye

"Upgrade The Gate Lord's Eye to increase your Power and unlock seasonal gameplay mods."

Exotics & Gears: Season Pass Rewards

"Instantly unlock the Eriana-3's Vow Exotic Hand Cannon + Exclusive Seasonal Armor Sets when you get the Season Pass."[1]

Seasonal roadmap







Ghost Shells


Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Season of the Undying Trailer

Promotional images


  • Season of the Undying was the first Season with a rewards track.
    • It was also the second Vex-focused expansion. The first being Curse of Osiris.
  • Season of the Undying is the shortest Season of any released so far in Destiny 2, lasting a total of 70 days (just over two months).
