Forum:Labyrinth: Acceptance

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Labyrinth: Acceptance Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png


Labyrinth: Grief


Labyrinth: Pride

Labyrinth: Acceptance


Season of Salvation




Unknown Space
The Plane
Ascendant Realm


Infiltrate the Plane once more and draw out the Aspect into the Ascendant Realm.

Destinypedia doesn't currently have a walkthrough for this level; could you write one?


Labyrinth: Acceptance is the fifth story mission of Season of Salvation. After coming up with a plan to subvert Airy's sabotage, Eris Morn sends the Guardian on another incursion into the Plane to finally save the soul behind the Aspect of Grief from Airy's corruption.


  • Activate the Universe Modulator
    • Set down the device and transport yourself inside the Plane.
  • Traverse the Vessel
    • Dive deeper into Airy's ship and enter The Chantry.
  • Take Down the Vex Barrier
    • X out of 2 Oracles destroyed
      Defeat Arc Cranium Bearers and destroy the Oracles powering the up Vex barrier.
  • Traverse Deeper
    • Enter the Emerson Labyrinth and locate the Taken Aspect within.
  • Take Down the Vex Node
    • X% Disrupted
      Defeat Circumstancial Avatars and channel their energy to disrupt and destroy the Vex Node obstructing your path.
  • Defeat Pachitio, Secluded Mind
    • Slay the Vex Mind blocking your way forward.
  • Traverse Deeper
    • Traverse further into the Emerson Labyrinth and locate the Taken Aspect.
  • Enter the Portal
    • Enter the Ascendant Portal and enter the Ascendant Realm.
  • Set Down the Universe Modulator
    • Place down the device and call forth the Taken Aspect.
  • Save Euler, Aspect of Grief
    • Save Euler, Aspect of Grief and cleanse it from Airy's influence.



Vex - Sol Collective


List of Appearances